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 PlayBasic V1.64k2 Upgrade Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: January 2nd, 2010

Category: All,Upgrade,Retail

     This release updates any of the PlayBasic V1.63w2 through to PB V1.64j2 retail upgrades, to the current retail release version of PlayBasic V1.64k. If your version is older than PB1.63W, then you'll need to install patch PB1.63w2 prior to this one ! (if you haven't already)

     The PB1.64k package includes updates of PB Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes, SLIBS, DOCS & IDE V1.17.

     This upgrade is mainly to correct some issues detected in previous release of V1.64k after release. These issues mostly concern internal and user defined function parameters. Correcting issues with optional parameters and with long hand declarations.

     The only new functionality (that comes to mind) would be VSYNC support in windowed modes. It's important to understand that you can't control the ends users displays refresh rate. So therefore you shouldn't assume that everybody playing your game has their windows desktop refresh set to the same as yours. So if your system has a refresh rate of 60 say, and your friends system has a refresh of 75. Then your game will run faster on your friends system than yours. Mind you, the same applies in full screen exclusives modes also ! So Vsync should be used to smooth out display refresh, not as a speed limiter!

     To learn more about new compiler features added in PlayBasic V1.64K, check out the V1.64 WIP thread, which includes some examples and some theory stuff about the new features found in this upgrade.

Download Upgrade
Download PB1.64k Revision #2 Retail Upgrade (requires forum log in)



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