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 PlayBasic V1.64N Retail Upgrade Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: November 21st, 2011

Category: All,Upgrade, Retail

PlayBasic V1.64N _Retail Upgrade_ is Now Available (20th, Nov, 2011)

     This upgrade round off some of the open ends from the V1.64M upgrade in terms of bug fixes. It's not just about bugs though, it includes a wealth of new optimizations ranging from line draw modes, shape clipping, image progressing and more. There's too much to pick through now, so we highly recommend looking through the V1.64N WIP gallery for some more insight in what new additions are hidden away in this release.      Don't own the retail version yet ? - Why not download the FREE learning edition of PlayBasicand dive in.

Visit the PlayBasic V1.64N Work In Progress Gallery for bigger pictures / movies, code examples .

Download Upgrade

    Download PlayBasic V1.64N Upgrade



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