Activex / Initialize Library
About the ActiveX library How to use this library
Activex / Creation & Deletion
CreateAx Creates a new ActiveX Object
DeleteAx Deletes a previously created ActiveX object
GetAxStatus Returns the status of an ActiveX Object
GetFreeAx Returns a free Id of an ActiveX Object
NewAx Creates a new ActiveX object and returns its Id
Activex / Registering A Active Dll
RegisterAxDll Registers and ActiveX Dll
UnRegisterAxDll Unregisters and ActiveX Dll
Activex / Set Variables In Object
AxFloatVar Sets an Float variable of an object
AxIntVar Sets an integer variable of an ActiveX object
AxStringVar Set an String variable of an object
Activex / Get Variables From Object
GetAxFloatVar returns the value of an Float variable of an object
GetAxIntVar returns the value of an Integer variable of an object
GetAxStringVar returns the value of an String variable of an object
Activex / Add To Parameter List
AddAxFloatParam Adds an Float value to the parameter list
AddAxIntParam Adds an Integer value to the parameter list
AddAxStringParam Adds an String value to the parameter list
Activex / Insert Into Parameter List
InsertAxFloatParam Adds an Float value to the parameter list
InsertAxIntParam Adds an Integer value to the parameter list
InsertAxStringParam Adds an String value to the parameter list
Activex / Query Parameter List
GetAxFloatParam Returns the Float value of a parameter
GetAxIntParam Returns the Integer value of a parameter
GetAxStringParam Returns the String value of a parameter
Activex / Parameter Count
GetAxParamCount Returns the the number of parameters in a list
Activex / Clear Parameter List
ClearAxParams Clears an ActiveX object's parameter list
Activex / Calling Member/functions
CallAxFloatFunc Calls a Function that returns an float value
CallAxFunc Calls a Function that does not return a value
CallAxIntFunc Calls a Function that returns an integer value
CallAxStringFunc Calls a Function that returns a string value
Activex / Checking If Member Exists
AxMemberExist Checks if a member (variable of function) exists

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