The FreeCell command frees a particular cell from within an array. It's primarily for use with String and Type arrays and you can use it with Integer and float arrays also. In which case, it just sets the cell to zero.
* FreeCell is for use with Type and String arrays, but can also be used upon Integer,Floating Point arrays.
Mini Tutorial:
This example creates a simple character manger using a typed array. When the type is no longer needed it's destroyed using the FreeCell command.
; Clear the Screen to Blue Cls RGB(0,0,255) ; Define a type to hold the values for our characters Type obj status,x,y,angle#,colour EndType ; Create the typed ships array to store our objects Dim Ships(0) As obj ; LImit the program to 100 frames per second or less SetFPS 100 ; start of program main loop Do ; clear the screen to black Cls RGB(0,0,0) ; Display Message Print "Press Space To Add Object" ; run through our array of objects For item=0 To GetArrayElements(ships().obj,1) ; check if this object exists or not If Ships(item).status ; move the object angle#=ships(item).angle# x#=CosNewValue(ships(item).x,angle#,2) y#=SinNewValue(ships(item).y,angle#,2) ; check if the obejct has left the screen If PointInBox(x#,y#,0,0,800,600)=false ; if it has, free this cell FreeCell Ships().obj,Item Continue EndIf ; object is on screen so draw it CircleC x#,y#,10,true,Ships(item).Colour ; write the objects new position ships(item).x=x# ships(item).y=y# EndIf Next ; check if the Space key is pressed If SpaceKey() ;if it is, get a free cell within the array Item=GetFreeCell(Ships().obj) ; assign it it's starting values Ships(Item).status=true ships(item).x=Rnd(800) ships(item).y=Rnd(600) ships(item).angle=Rnd(360) ships(item).colour=RndRGB() FlushKeys EndIf ; refresh the screen Sync ; loop back to the do statement to keep program running Loop |