Status = GetBlitImageThreadStatus()
Parameters: NONE

    Status = The Status code of wait. 1=Waited, 0 = failed

     The GetBlitImageThreadStatus function is similiar to the WaitOnBlitImageThread with key difference, GetBlitImageThreadStatus doesn't wait. It simply checks if the thread is currently working on a task or not. When the thread is working, it'll return a 1 if not a 0 when it's done.

     While you use GetBlitImageThreadStatus in a loop and wait for a thread to complete, we recommend using the WaitOnBlitImageThread for this. GetBlitImageThreadStatus is just to give us an idea of when and how long some threaded task is taking in the background.

      For more information on threading see BlitImageThreadMode


      * Threading is only supported on the BlitImage commands.

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