ColourValue = RndRGB()
Parameters: NONE

    ColourValue = The RGB's levels mixed into a rgb colour value

      The RndRGB() function will return the random RGB colour.


      * The RndRGB() function is short hand for ThisColour=Rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255))

Mini Tutorial:

      This example draws a randomly positioned message in a random RGB colour.

; Start of DO/LOOP
   ; Calc a random X pos
   ; Set the Current INK colour to a Random RGB colour value
     Ink RndRGB()
   ; Draw a Message to the screen in the current INK colour
     CenterText X,Y,"I'm Random Colour"
   ; Display the Screen
   ; loop back to the DO statement to keep program running

Related Info: RGB | RgbAlphaAdd | RgbAlphaAnd | RGBAlphaBlend | RgbAlphaMult | RgbAlphaOr | RgbAlphaSub | RgbAlphaXOr | RGBFade | RGBGreyScale :

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