New UserDefinedType

    UserDefinedType = The user defined type you wish to create a new instance of
Returns: NONE

      The NEW operator allocates some memory to hold a user defined type structure within. The allocator returns the types memory handle, which can then be assigned to Type Variable / Typed Array, Linked List variables and typed pointers. So we use the NEW operator to fill in our typed arrays containers and lists, which are empty once they're dimensioned.


      * We recommend reading up on Types Tutorial, LinkedLists and Pointers also

      * The runtime system behind PlayBASIC programs includes automatic type allocation by default. This system projects the user from potential write errors when writing to typed variable and arrays, but we actually recommend you use the New operator to allocate each type and store them yourself.

Mini Tutorial (Typed Variables):

      In this (Cut and paste friendly) example we're declaring our person type, making two typed variables called Billy and Sally, then using NEW to allocate the required memory for each.

      Note: When we assign a newly allocated type to a typed variable / typed array, this will overwrite whatever was previously created in the variable or array.

; Declare the "Person" user defined type.
  Type Person
   ; These Fields will hold this persons full name
;  Dimension Billy of type Person,
  Dim  Billy As Person
; Init Billy
;  Dimension Sally of type Person,
  Dim  Sally As Person
; init Sally
; Display Sally
; Display Sally
; display the screen and wait for a key press
Function CreatePerson(Me.Person,FirstName$,LastName$)
; Use New to Alloc a Fresh new person and assign it
; to the passed type variable called ME
; This allocation will overwrite any previous data
; in this type..
  Me= New Person
; Set the name fields
  Me.FirstName$           =FirstName$
  Me.Surname$           =LastName$
Function ShowPerson(Me.Person)
  Print Me.FirstName$+" "+Me.Surname$

This example would output.

  Sally Stevens
  Billy Citizen

Mini Tutorial (Typed Arrays):

      In this (Cut and past friendly) example we're declaring our person type, making a typed array called Friends, then using NEW to allocate the required memory.

      Note: When we make assignments to a typed array cells this will overwrite whatever was in the typed cell previously.

; Declare the "Person" user defined type.
  Type Person
   ; These Fields will hold this persons full name
;  Dimension Friends array  of type Person,
; this array is big enough to hold 10 people
  Dim  Friends(10As Person
; Init Billy are Index #1 of our friends array
; Init Billy at Index #2 of our friends array
; Display my friends
  For lp=1 To GetArrayElements(Friends(),1)
   ; Check if this friend exists or not ?
     If Friends(lp)<>0
      ; This person exists, so lets display them
        Print Friends(lp).FirstName$+" "+Friends(lp).Surname$
; display the screen and wait for a key press
Function CreatePerson(Index,FirstName$,LastName$)
; Alloc a New person and store them at this
; position with within the array
  Friends(index)     = New Person
; Set the name fields
  Friends(index).FirstName$           =FirstName$
  Friends(index).Surname$           =LastName$

This example would output.

  Billy Citizen
  Sally Stevens

Mini Tutorial (linked Lists):

      In this (Cut and past friendly) example we're declaring our person type, making your Friends list and then adding two people to the Linked list.

      You'll notice that

; Declare the "Person" user defined type.
  Type Person
   ; These Fields will hold this persons full name
;  Dimension the Friends variable of type Person,
; with linked list support
  Dim  Friends As Person List
; Add a person to Friends list
  Friends= New Person
; The Friends list is now pointing at the newly added
; Person, so lets assign this persons name
  Friends.FirstName$ ="Billy"
  Friends.Surname$ ="Citizen"
; Add another person to Friends list
  Friends= New Person
; The Friends list is now pointing at the newly
; added person, so assign this persons name also
  Friends.FirstName$      ="Sally"
  Friends.Surname$           ="Stevens"
  For Each Friends()
     Print Friends.FirstName$+" "+Friends.Surname$
; display the screen and wait for a key press

This example would output.

  Sally Stevens
  Billy Citizen

Mini Tutorial (Typed Pointers):

      In this (Cut and past friendly) example we're declaring our person type, making two typed pointer called Billy and Sally, then using NEW to allocate the required memory for each.

; Declare the "Person" user defined type.
  Type Person
   ; These Fields will hold this persons full name
;  Dimension Billy pointer of type Person
  Dim  Billy As Person Pointer
; Init Billy
;  Dimension Sally pointer of type Person,
  Dim  Sally As Person Pointer
; init Sally
; Display Sally
; Display Billy
; display the screen and wait for a key press
Function CreatePerson(FirstName$,LastName$)
; Use New to Alloc a Fresh new person and assign it
; to the passed type variable called ME
  Me= New Person
; Set the name fields
  Me.FirstName$           =FirstName$
  Me.Surname$           =LastName$
EndFunction Me As Person Pointer
Function ShowPerson(Me As Person Pointer)
  Print Me.FirstName$+" "+Me.Surname$

This example would output.

  Sally Stevens
  Billy Citizen

Related Info: LinkedLists | Null | Type | Types :

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