Select <.expression.> ... Case <.expression.> ... EndSelect
Parameters: NONE
Returns: NONE
     Select/Case statements are an alternative to If/Then statements when you have a large number of conditions to examine.

      The simplest form of a Select/Case block looks like this

  myInt = 1
; myInt = 2
; myInt = 3
  Select myInt
      Case 1
          Print "The first case"
      Case 2
          Print "The second case"
; Display the screen and wait for a key press

     If the variable myInt equals 1 this example will output The first case if myInt equals 2, it will output The second case. All other values of myInt will cause no output at all. In order to process all cases that are not explicitely stated with the Case keyword, you can use the keyword Default:

; myInt = 1
; myInt = 2
  myInt = 3
  Select myInt
      Case 1
          Print "The first case"
      Case 2
          Print "The second case"
          Print "myInt is neither 1 nor 2"

     This example would output myInt is neither 1 nor 2 if the value of myInt is less than 1 or greater than 2.

     You can also check for value ranges with in the case statements by using the keyword To.
  myInt = 1
; myInt = 42
  Select myInt
      Case 1 To 2
          Print "myInt is either 1 or 2"
      Case 10 To 100
          Print "myInt is greater than 9"
          Print "myInt is smaller than 101"
          Print "The value myInt is neither 1 nor 2"
          Print "nor between 10 or 100"

      If certain conditions apply to a number of unrelated values, you can list these values after the case keyword, separated by commas.

  myInt = 42
  Select myInt
      Case 144278
          Print "It's either 14 42 or 78"
      Case 1 To 10
          Print "It's between 1 and 10"
          Print "Neither of the above"

      By default PlayBASIC will exit a Select/EndSelect block as soon as a case match occurs. In order to force PlayBASIC to check further cases, use the ContCase statement:

; myInt = 14
  myInt = 42
; myInt = 178
  Select myInt
      Case 1442178
          Print "It's either 14, 42 or 178"
      Case 1 To 100
          Print "It's between 1 and 100"

     Select/Case statements work with all standard data types, ie. Integer, Float and String. Opposed to a lot of other Basic dialects, PlayBasic also accepts expressions after the Case keyword.

     The expression followed by the Select keyword must be of the same type as the expressions or constants followed by the Case statements. Otherwise PlayBasic will return an error.

Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
  Global test1=10
  Global test2=20
Function test_integer_select(a)
  Print "Select VALUE:"+Str$(a)
  Select a
      Case 1
          Print "yeah i'm the first option"
      Case 2
          Print "yeah i'm second option"
      Case 3
          Print "yeah i'm third option"
      Case 10 To 100
          Print  "10 Range"
      Case Test1+test2
          Print "Matched the Test Cases"
          Print "didn't match anything"
  Print ""
Function test_Float_select(a#)
  Print "Floating Select VALUE:"+Str$(a#)
  Select a#
      Case 5.7,5.8,5.9
          Print "yeah i'm in th list of options"
      Case 1.5
          Print "yeah i'm the first option"
      Case 1.5
          Print " i'm the first option AGAIN ?"
      Case 2.5
          Print "yeah i'm second option"
      Case 3.5
          Print "yeah i'm third option"
      Case 7.6 To 66.5
          Print  "with the Range 7.5 To 66.5"
      Case Test1+test2
          Print "Matched the Test Cases"
          Print "didn't match anything"
  Print ""
Function test_String_Select(a$)
  Print "String Select String: "+a$
  Select a$
      Case "hello"
          Print "im option one"
      Case "world"
          Print "im option two"
      Case "a" To "g"
          Print "im from A-G"
      Case "mon","tue","wed","thurs","fri"
          Print "Days of the week I don't like"
      Case "sun","sat"
          Print "The two best days of the week, Sat/Sun"
          Print "didn't match any options"
  Print ""
Related Info: Comparisons | ContCase | Else | ElseIf | EndIF | If | Operators | Select :

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