Parameters: NONE
Returns: NONE

      Exit terminates the current loop and continues program execution after that loops closing statement.


      * Also See: ExitFor, ExitWhile, ExitRepeat, or ExitDo, to explicitly define the loop you want to exit.

      * Exit can only exit the current loop. So if you've inside a couple of nested loops (of the same type) you might find Goto an easy option to exit out of them.

Mini Tutorial #1:

; Start of a DO/LOOP loop
     Print "Here we go..."
   ; Exit this DO/LOOP and continue running the code
   ; beyond the LOOP statement.  Thus skipping following
   ; print statement
     Print "... but we don't go here."
  Print "Loop Exited"
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.

  Here we go...
  Loop Exited

Mini Tutorial #2:

; start of programs main DO/LOOP
   ; clear the screen
     Cls 0
   ; Start of For NExt Loop
     For X=0 To 1000
      ; Check if the loop counter variable X
      ; is greater than 100, if so, EXIT
      ; the FOR/NEXT loop
        If X> 10
           Print "Exiting For/Next"
        Print "X="+Str$(X)
   ; show the screen to the user
   ; loop back to the do statement to keep program running

This example would output.

  Exiting For/Next

Related Info: Continue | ExitDo | ExitFor | ExitFunction | ExitRepeat | ExitWhile | Loops :

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