Address = GetListPtr(List())

    List() = The Type list handle you want to query

    Address = The address in memory of the first byte of this type structure

      The GetListPtr() function retrieves a pointer to the data fields of current object within a linked list.


      * GetListPtr returns a NULL if the lists current item is invalid (End of the list) or empty.

      * GetListPtr also works on typed variables

      * Don't know what a linked list is ?, make sure you read the LinkedLists tutorial then.

Mini Tutorial #1:

      This example creates a list of three people, then simply displays the list size using the GetListPtr function.

; Declare the "Person" user defined type.
  Type Person
   ; These Fields will hold this persons name
;  Dimension the Friends variable of type Person,
; with linked list support
  Dim  Friends As Person List
; Add a person (Billy) to Friends list
  Friends= New Person
  Friends.FirstName$ ="Billy"
  Friends.Surname$ ="Citizen"
; Add another person (Sally) to Friends list
  Friends= New Person
  Friends.FirstName$      ="Sally"
  Friends.Surname$           ="Stevens"
; Add another person (Sally) to Friends list
  Friends= New Person
  Friends.FirstName$      ="Olivia"
  Friends.Surname$           ="Dude"
; Display this persons current position.
  For Each Friends()
   ; Get the Pointer of the current type in the list
   ; and pass it to the ShowPerson function
; display the screen and wait for a key press
Function ShowPerson(Me As Person Pointer)
  Print Me.FirstName$+" "+Me.Surname$

This example would output.

  Olivia Dude
  Sally Stevens
  Billy Citizen

Mini Tutorial #2:

This example creates a list of three people, then simply displays the list size using the GetListPtr function.

; Create a type called tObject to hold
; our obejcts properties
  Type tObject
     x#,y#,z#          ; position of this porject
; define the player variable as tobject
  Dim Player As tObject
; init the player variable
  Player= New tObject
; Set the players position
; show the players position
; Delcare a float pointer
  Dim Ptr As Float Pointer
; Get a pointer to data inside Player
; Ptr is now pointing at the first byte
; of the player type.   This will be the
; X field in this example
  Ptr =GetListPtr(Player())
; Change  the X field
  *Ptr = 55.55
; Bump the pointer to the next field (Y)
; Change  the Y field
  *Ptr = 66.66
; Bump the pointer to the next field (Z)
; Change  the Z field
  *Ptr = 77.77
; SHow the player again.  So we can see the changes
; display the screen and wait for a key press
Function ShowPosition(Me.tobject)
  Print "Players Position"
  Print "X:"+Str$(Me.x#)
  Print "Y:"+Str$(Me.y#)
  Print "Z:"+Str$(Me.z#)
  Print ""

This example would output.

  Players Position
  Players Position

Related Info: Dim | Each | EndOfList | GetListFirst | GetListNext | GetListPos | GetListPrevious | GetListSize | LinkedLists | List | ResetList | SetListPos | StepList :

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