Swap NumericVar1, NumericVar2

    NumericVar1 = first numeric variable
    NumericVar2 = second numeric variable
Returns: NONE

      Swap swaps the values of two numeric variables. If the data type of both variables are not the same PlayBASIC will cast them automatically.


      * Swap does not support string variables.

      * Swap exchanges the contents of two variables, so it's short hand for the following.

; Do swap
  Temp=A    ; Store A in a temp varibale
  A=B  ; Move the value in B into A Variable
  B=Temp   ; Move the Temp Variable into Temp

is the same as,

; Do swap
  Swap A,B

Mini Tutorial:

      In this example we'll define two variables called A and B. These variable will then be displayed on the screen both before and after they're swapped.

; define two variables
  a = 12
  b = 3
; print the variables
  Print a
  Print b
; swap the variables
  Swap a,b
; Print the variables
  Print a
  Print b
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.


Related Info: Float | IF | Integer | SwapIfHigher | SwapIfLower | Variables :

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