Repeat ... Until <.expression.>
Parameters: NONE
Returns: NONE

      A Repeat-Until loop executes its sequence of constituent statements continually, testing an expression at each Until statement. When the expression returns True, the Repeat-Until loop terminates.

      The code inside a repeat until loop is always executed at least once, since the Comparisons expression is only evaluated when execution reaches the closing statement. Giving them the opposite functionality of While-EndWhile loop blocks.


      * Repeat-Until must be paired.

      * The Repeat must preceed the Until statement. You'll get a syntax error otherwise.

      * You can exit a Repeat-Until loop anytime with the Exit or ExitRepeat statements.

      * Do-Loop Statements can also create Repeat-Until styled loops by placing the 'Until' Comparisons expression after the Loop statement.

Mini Tutorial:

      A simple Repeat-Until loop

   ; Draw a dot at a random position
     Dot Rnd(100)+100Rnd(100)+100
   ; display the screen
   ; this loop will be repeated until
   ; the user presses the Space Key
  Until SpaceKey()
  Print "You pressed the Space Key"

Related Info: Comparisons | Continue | Exit | ExitRepeat | Repeat | While :

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