FrameSheet = LoadFrameSheet(Filename$, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, TransparentColour, [FrameCount])

    Filename$ = The filename of the image to load as the frame sheet
    FrameWidth = The Width of each frame
    FrameHeight= The Height of each frame
    TransparentColour = The MaskColour for this image image
    [FrameCount] = optional frame count

    FrameSheet = The index of the load frame sheet animation

     LoadFrameSheet loads an image and breaks it up into a sequence of animation frames.

     LoadFrameSheet assumes the frames are arranged upon the image from the top left corner across ways, then stepping down row by row. The frames must be arranged in the order they are to be played back and all frames must have a uniform width and height.


      * LoadFrameSheet defaults to loading frames as video format. You can change this behavior using the FrameSheetCreationType


     Here's an example frame sheet. The image is made up for a four by four grid of animation frames, each frame is 64 pixels wide and 64 pixels high.

Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
; include the frame sheet animation library
  #Include "FrameSheetAnims"
; Clear the screen to a blue colour, so we can see
; the frames better.
  Cls 255
; Set Library to load animations frames as FX images,
; the library defaults to video images..
; The file name of the example frame sheet we're going
; to load
; Load the Frame sheet
; Display the loaded frame sheets INDEX
  Print "Index of FrameSheet:"+Str$(FrameSheet)
; display the status of this frame sheet
; (1= exist, 0 it doesn't)
  Print "Frame Sheet Status:"+Str$(GetFrameSheetStatus(FrameSheet))
; Display the number of frames in this sheet
  Print "Frames In Sheet:"+Str$(GetFrameSheetCount(FrameSheet))
; Draw the frames on the screen
  CenterText 400,Ypos-20,"Frames in this frame sheet"
; run through this frame sheet and draw each frame to the screen
  For lp=0 To GetFrameSheetCount(FrameSheet)-1
     DrawImage ThisImage,Xpos,Ypos,false
     If (Xpos+Width)=>GetScreenWidth()
; show the screen to the user and wait for a key press
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