Result = GetIniInteger(Filename$, Section$, Key$, DefaultValue)

    Filename$ = the name of the Ini file
    Section$ = the section name
    Key$ = the key name
    DefaultValue = the default value


GetIniInteger returns an integer value from an Ini file. Filename$ specifies the name of the Ini file, Section$ the section and Key$ the key from where the function reads the value. If the function cannot find the key it will return the value specified in DefaultValue.

If we have an Ini file called "example.ini" that looks like this:

GetIniInteger("example.ini", "SectionA", "ValueA1", 42) would return 12
GetIniInteger("example.ini", "SectionB", "ValueB1", 42) would return 21
GetIniInteger("example.ini", "SectionB", "AValue", 42) would return 42
Related Info: GetIniFloat | GetIniString :

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