Status = JoyButton(DeviceIndex, ButtonIndex)

    DeviceIndex = The Index of the joystick you wish to query
    ButtonIndex = The Index of the button you wish to query (1 to 10)

    Status = The status of this button (0= not pressed, 1=pressed)

      JoyButton checks if a joystick button is pressed. JoyButton returns a true (1) if the button is pressed and a false(0) if it's not.


      * Supports up to 10 buttons (1 to 10) buttons

      * Joysticks can not be detected while the program is running, they must be connected before.

Mini Tutorial:

      The following example show a basic joystick implementation.

; Get the Screen Center
; start of Program loop
   ; Clear the screen
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Display the title message
     Print "JoySticks present:"+Str$(JoySticksFound)
     Print "Use JoyStick to Move the Circle"
   ; Set the print cursor to 0,100
     SetCursor 0,100
   ; Loop through and check the  4 possible Joystick devices
     For Device=1 To 4
      ; Check if this devices exists
        If JoyStatus(device)
           Print "JoyStick:"+Str$(device)
         ; check directional controls
           If JoyLeft(device) Then  Dec xpos
           If JoyRight(device) Then  Inc xpos
           If JoyUp(device) Then  Dec ypos
           If JoyDown(device) Then Inc ypos
         ; check the button States
           For button=1 To 10
              If JoyButton(device,Button)
                 Print "Pressing Button:"+Str$(Button)
           Print ""
           Inc JoySticksFound
     If JoySticksFound=0
        CenterText 400,100,"No JoyStick Present, Please Connect one !"
     Circle Xpos,Ypos,10,true

This example would output.

  no Text output

Related Info: JoyDown | JoyLeft | JoyRight | JoyStatus | JoyUp :

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