Parameters: NONE
Returns: NONE

      WaitNOInput will halt the program until there is NO input from the Keyboard or mouse. This is often used to stop a program from falling through successive WaitKey, WaitMouse or WaitAllInput commands. So it ensures that a held key or mouse buttonm won't skip any folowing waits that the user may wish to enforce within a program.


      * It only wait for Keyboard or Mouse Clicks.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example uses WaitNoInput to stop the prgram from fall through various WaitMouse or WaitKey commands

; Show a message and WAIT for the MOUSE to be MOVED
  Print "Press Mouse Button or Key to Continue"
  WaitAllInput 0,1,1
; Wait Here until the previous pressed KEy or mouse button
; is released
; Show a message and WAIT for the LEFT MOUSE button
  Print "Press Any Key to End"

This example would output.

  Press Mouse Button Or Key To Continue
  Press Any Key To End

Related Info: Wait | WaitALLinput | Waitkey | WaitMouse | WaitNoKey :

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