NumberOfBanks = GetBankQuantity()
Parameters: NONE

    NumberOfBanks = The number of memory banks that PlayBASIC currently has provision for

      The GetBankQuantity function returns the current max number of memory banks that PlayBASIC will allow.


      * You can expand the number of banks by using the BankQuantity command. Although we recommend you use dynamic allocation when creating banks via NewBank()

Mini Tutorial:

     This example runs through and creates all available banks (the default limit),it then resizes then internal max and displays the info back to the user.

; Read and display the current Max number of banks
  Print "Starting Number of Memory Banks:"+Str$(quantity)
  Print "press any key"
; run through and create all the available banks
  For lp =1 To quantity
     CreateBank lp,10+lp
; Show the user the screen and wait for a key to be pressed
; Tell PB to expand the number of available memory banks
  BankQuantity quantity+2000
; read and display the number of memory banks after expansion
  Print "Starting Number of Memory Banks:"+Str$(quantity)
  Print "press any key"
; This code this loops and displays the status and size of
  For lp =1 To quantity
     If GetBankStatus(lp)
        Print "Bank Status:"+Str$(lp)+"   Size:"+Str$(size)
        Print "Bank Status:"+Str$(lp)+" Doesn't Exist Yet"
     If GetCursorY()> 440
        Print "Press Any Key to Show next page"
        SetCursorY 0
        Cls RGB(0,0,0)
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

     This example would output (This depends upno what version of PB your running, so the result may differ).

  Starting Number of Memory Banks:1024
  press any key
  Starting Number of Memory Banks:3024
  press any key
  Bank Status:1   Size:11
  Bank Status:2   Size:12
  Bank Status:3   Size:13
  Bank Status:4   Size:14
  Bank Status:5   Size:15
  etc etc

Related Info: BankQuantity | GetFreeBank :

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