Memory Management
Memory Management / Created & Delete Memory Bank Functions
CreateBank Create a memory bank
DeleteBank Delete a memory bank
NewBank Create a New memory bank and return it's index
ResizeBank Resize a memory bank
Memory Management / Memory Bank Functions
BankQuantity Expand the Max Number of Memory Banks Available
CopyBank Make a complete Copy of an existing bank
CopyBankBytes Copy bytes from one bank to another
GetBankPTR Get the Pointer (Address in Memory) of a bank
GetBankQuantity Get the Max Number Memory Banks Available
GetBankSize Get the Size of a memory bank
GetBankStatus Get the Current Status of a memory bank
GetFreeBank Locate a Bank that is free to be used
Memory Management / Read & Write To Bank Functions
PeekBankByte Read (Peek) a 8bit Byte value from a memory bank
PeekBankFloat Read (Peek) a 32bit Floating Point value from a memory bank
PeekBankInt Read (Peek) a 32bit Integer value from a memory bank
PeekBankString Write a String into memory bank
PeekBankWord Read (Peek) a 16bit Word value from a memory bank
PokeBankByte Write a Byte (8bit value) into a memory bank
PokeBankFloat Write a Floating Point (32bit value) into memory bank
PokeBankInt Write a Integer (32bit value) into memory bank
PokeBankString Write a String into memory bank
PokeBankWord Write a Word (16bit value) into a memory bank
Memory Management / Direct System Memory Functions
CompareMemory Check if two chunks of memory are the same or not
CopyMemory Copy memory from one location to another
FillMemory Fill Memory
FindMemoryRunLength Find the length of a run of bytes/words or longs
GetArrayPtr Get the Memory Address of an Array
Memory Management / Read & Write System Memory Functions
PeekByte Peek a Byte from memory
PeekFloat Peek a Floating Point value from memory
PeekInt Peek a Integer from memory
PeekString Peek a String of characters from memory
PeekWord Peek a Word from memory
PokeByte Poke an (8bit) Byte value into memory
PokeFloat Poke a (32bit) Floating Point value into memory
PokeInt Poke a (32bit) Integer into memory
PokeString Poke a String of characters into memory
PokeWord Poke a Word into memory

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