LoadMusic Filename$, Index

    Filename$ = The file name of the music you wish to load
    Index = The Index where this music data should be stored
Returns: NONE

LoadMusic will load/que a Music file ready to be played. You must provide LoadMusic with the filename and path of the music you wish to load, plus a free Music Index that this musics data should be stored in. Once the Music data has been loaded, you can play it using the PlayMusic command.


* LoadMusic Expects music files to be in the Wav\Ogg\Midi\Mod formats.

* You can find this Example in the PlayBasic\Projects\Music folder

Mini Tutorial:

This example will load a music file then let the user control the musics playback with various keyboard controls.

; Ask PB for a free Music Index
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Display Instructions
     Print "Music Example"
     Print ""
     Print " F1 = Load Music"
     Print " F2 = Play Music"
     Print " F3 = Pause Music"
     Print " F4 = Resume Music"
     Print " F5 = Stop Music"
     Print " Up/Down Arrows = Volume Control"
     Print " Left/Right Arrows = Pan Control"
     Print ""
   ; Load the load track (init streaming of this track)
     If FunctionKeys(1Then LoadMusic "..\..\..\Music\Ambient.xm",MusicIndex
   ; Get the Status of the music
     If GetMusicStatus(Musicindex)=true
      ; If the F2 key is pressed play the music
        If FunctionKeys(2Then  PlayMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the F3 key is pressed Pause the music
        If FunctionKeys(3Then  PauseMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the F4 key is pressed Resume the music
        If FunctionKeys(4Then  ResumeMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the F5 key is pressed Stop the music
        If FunctionKeys(5Then  StopMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the Up arrow is pressed increase the volume
        If UpKey() Then        MusicVolume MusicIndex,Volume+1
      ; If the Down arrow is pressed decrease the volume
        If DownKey() Then        MusicVolume MusicIndex,Volume-1
      ; Get the Pan of the music
      ; if the Left arrow is press pan the music left
        If LeftKey() Then        MusicPan MusicIndex,Pan-1
      ; if the Right arrow is press pan the music Right
        If RightKey() Then   MusicPan MusicIndex,Pan+1
   ;Display the Music Status
     Print ""
     Print " Music Current Status:"+Str$(GetMusicStatus(1))
     Print " Music Current Volume:"+Str$(Volume)
     Print " Music Current    Pan:"+Str$(Pan)
     Print ""
   ; Show the Music playing Status
     Select GetMusicPlaying(MusicIndex)
         Case -1
             mode$="Music is Not LOADED"
         Case 0
             mode$= "Music Is Loaded but Not Playing"
         Case 1
             Mode$= "Music Is Playing"
         Case 2
             Mode$="Music Paused"
         Case 3
             Mode$="Music Playing + Paused"
     Print "Current Music Status:"+mode$
   ; Delete all music tracks if the space key is pressed
     If SpaceKey()
   ; refresh the screen
   ; loop back to the DO statement

Related Info: DeleteAllMusics | DeleteMusic | GetFreeMusic | GetMusicStatus | LoadNewMusic | LoopMusic | MusicVolume | PlayMusic | StopMusic :

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