DrawPaletteMapImage ImageIndex, Width, Height, [PalettePointer=0]

    ImageIndex = Index of the image you wish to draw
    Width = Width of image in pixels
    Height = Height of image in pixels
    [PalettePointer=0] = Optional Address (Pointer) Palette of palette. Otherwise defaults to SetPalette()i
Returns: NONE

     The DrawPaletteMapImage command renders a previously created palette mapped image to normal RGB image such as the screen. The drawing process can either use a user define colour palette, or the previously defined palette that was set using SetPalette. DrawPaletteMapImage can render the pixels onto any regular RGB pixel screen mode. The drawing process uses the DrawPaletteMappedStrip16 function to actually render it behind the scenes.


      * Palette mapping can be used to create a number of effects from shadows, raster bars, glenz vectors, water/rain animations etc etc. It's really just up to the creativity of the programmer.

Example #1: Palette Map Sprite Scene example

Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
  // Include the palette Mapping library
  #Include "PaletteMapping"
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set Up Palette >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // Define a palette big enough to hold 2^16 colours
  Dim Palette($10000)
  // Give palette mapping library address of the palette
  // we're using.
  // Set Colour Index zero to rgb(0,0,0) BLACK
  Palette(0)     = RGB(0,0,0)
  // Set Colour as out 2 as
  Palette(1)     = RGB(30,40,50)
  // This number of colours currently in our palette
  // Load the Ship image from the media folder to folders down
  CenterText 250,80,"ORIGINAL RGB IMAGE"
  DrawImage ShipImage,200,100,false3
  // Convert the images normally RGB formated pixels into our
  // current palette
  ColourCount=PaletteMapRGBImage(ShipImage,Palette(), ColourCount)
  CenterText 600,80,"Palette Mapped IMAGE"
  CenterText 600,170,"Colour Count:"+Str$(ColourCount)
  DrawImage ShipImage,550,100,false
  Wait 1000
  Wait 1000
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // Create a PB image we'll be using as the Palette Mapped Display
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  Dim BackupPalette($10000)
  CopyArray Palette(),BackUpPalette()
  // Limit the program to 75 frames per second or less
  SetFPS 75
     // direct all Pb rendering to out screen image
     RenderToImage Screen
     // Fill The Screen with colour index 1.
     // CLS doesn't understand palette mapping, so we have to
     // convert our colur index into RGB form for drawing to
     // the screen
     Cls IndexToRgb(1)
     // draw our grid of ship images to the screen at the mouses
     // position
     GridImage ShipImage,MouseX(),MouseY(),10,10,true
     // Draw a rotated version of the palette mapped ship image
     DrawRotatedImage ShipImage,400,300,FadeAngle#,1,1,0,0,true
     // render our palette mapped screen to the actual screen
     // --------------------------------------
     // Fade palette in and out
     // --------------------------------------
     For lp =1 To ColourCount
     // show everything to the user
  Loop EscKey()=true
Related Info: CreateFxImageEx | DeleteIMage | DrawPaletteMappedStrip16 | IndexToRGB | PaletteMapRGBImage :

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