Pb Dialogs 2
Pb Dialogs 2 / Initialize Library
About the Dialogs library How to use this library
Pb Dialogs 2 / Color
ColorDialog Displays a color dialog
ColorDialogColor Sets the custom colors of the Color Dialog
GetColorDialogColor Returns a custom color of the color dialog
Pb Dialogs 2 / Fonts
FontDialog Opens a Font Dialog
Pb Dialogs 2 / Files And Folders
FolderDialog Opens a folder dialog
GetFileDialogFilterIndex Returns the filter index chosen by the user
GetFileDialogNextFile$ Use the function to iterate through all files that were selected in an OpenFileDialog
OpenFileDialog Creates a standard "OpenFile" dialog
SaveFileDialog Opens a "SaveFile" dialog
Pb Dialogs 2 / Input
InputDialog Opens a Dialog that let's the user input text
Pb Dialogs 2 / Messages
Alert opens a standard alert box
AlertTitle Sets the global title for Alert boxes
GetAlertTitle$ Retrieves the title for Alert boxes
GetMessageDlgCheckBoxState Checks whether the user has checked the checkbox in a MessageDlg or not
GetMessageDlgCheckBoxText$ Gets the current checkbox text that will be displayed in a MessageDlg
MessageBox Opens a standard MessageBox
MessageDlg Shows a modern messagebox
MessageDlgCheckBoxState Sets whether the checkbox in a MessageDlg is checked or not
MessageDlgCheckBoxText Sets the text for the optional checkbox in a MessageDlg
Pb Dialogs 2 / General Functions
DialogGlobalHandle Set the global windows handle for the dialogs (if required)

(c) Copyright 2002 - 2025 - Kevin Picone - PlayBASIC.com