Pb Flash
Pb Flash / Initialize Library
About the PBFlash library How to use this library
Pb Flash / Open & Close
DeleteFlash Deletes a Flash movie from memory
LoadFlash Loads a new Flash movie
NewFlash Loads a new Flash movie and returns its Id
Pb Flash / Play Back Controls
ForwardFlash Forwards a flash movie
IsFlashPlaying Checks if a Flash movie is currently playing
PlayFlash Starts playback of a flash movie
RewindFlash rewinds a flash movie
StopFlash Stops playback of a flash movie
Pb Flash / Set Flash Properties
FlashColor Sets the background and transparency color of a movie
FlashDrawMode Sets the DrawMode of a movie
FlashFrame Jumps to a given frame in the movie
FlashHeight Sets the height of a flash movie
FlashLoopMode Sets the loop mode of a Flash movie
FlashMovie Change the movie file
FlashWidth Sets the width of a flash movie
PositionFlash Repositions a Flash movie
ResizeFlash Resizes a flash movie
SetFlashVariable Sets a flash variable
Pb Flash / Get Flash Properties
GetFlashDrawMode Returns a Flash movie's draw mode
GetFlashFrame Returns the the current frame of a movie
GetFlashFrameCount Returns the number of frames in a movie
GetFlashHeight Get the height of a movie
GetFlashLoopMode Checks the loop mode of a Flash movie
GetFlashMovie Returns the filename of a movie
GetFlashStatus Returns the status of a movie
GetFlashVariable Gets a flash variable
GetFlashWidth Get the width of a movie
GetFlashX Get the X position of a movie
GetFlashY Get the Y position of a movie
HideFlash Hide a flash movie
IsFlashVisible Returns the visibility of a flash movie
ShowFlash Displays a flash movie

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