Scene Buffer
Scene Buffer / Activate & Deactivate Capturing
CaptureToScene Tell PB to Capture Graphics Commands to the Scene Buffer
DrawGFXImmediate Restore PB to draw GFX immediately
Scene Buffer / Capture Depth & Camera Visibility
CaptureDepth Set PB to Capture Graphics Commands at a certain Z depth
CaptureVis Set PB to Captured Gfx Commands Visible to Camera mask
Scene Buffer / Clear
ClsScene Clear the SceneBuffer of any captured GFX events
Scene Buffer / Max Depth
SceneMaxZdepth Select the sorting method scene elements will be ordered with
Scene Buffer / Sorting Method
SceneSortMethod Select the sorting method scene elements will be ordered with
Scene Buffer / Cache Size
GetSceneCacheSize Get the current size Scene Buffer Cache
SceneCacheSize Resize the Scene Buffer Cache
Scene Buffer / Properties
GetCaptureDepth Set PB to Capture Gfx Commands at a certain Z depth
GetCaptureVis Get the current Set PB to Captured Gfx Commands Visible to Camera mask
GetCurrentSceneOffset Get the offset (size) of the of the data in currently in Scene Buffer

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