FramesPerSecond = FPS()
Parameters: NONE

    FramesPerSecond = The current numbers frame drawn this past second

      The FPS function returns the current number of frame redraws (sync's) that were drawn over the past second.


      * Note: Each call to the FPS() function performs part of the Frames Per second calculation. Therefore, you should NOT call FPS() more than once per update (per sync). As that would result in the incorrect (inflated) frames per second values being returned.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example sets the Max frames per second to 20, then displays PB's limit as well as the current FPS rate.

; Tell PlayBASIC to limit the program to 20 (or less)
; frame updates (syncs) per second
  SetFPS 20
; start a Do/Loop
   ; Clear the screen
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Display the Current FPS() rate
     Print "Current FPS:"+Str$(FPS())
   ; Display the FPS rate you set PB to Limit your syncs to
     Print "SetFPS Value:"+Str$(GetFPS())
   ; Display the screen

This example would output.

  Current FPS:20
  SetFPS Value:20

Related Info: GetFPS | SetFPS | Timer :

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