Height = GetScreenHeight()
Parameters: NONE

    Height = The height (in pixels) of the graphics area of the screen

      GetScreenHeight() returns the current height in pixels of the display area of the screen.


      * When in windowed mode, the returned height will not include the window boarders, just the pixel area.

Mini Tutorial:

      Display the current width/height/depth and type of the screen currently in use.

  Print "The Screens Current Settings are."
  Print "Current Display Width:"+Str$(GetScreenWidth())
  Print "Current Display Height:"+Str$(GetScreenHeight())
  Print "Current Display Depth:"+Str$(GetScreenDepth())
  Print "Current Display Type:"+Str$(GetScreenType())
; Display the Screen and waitkey for key press before ending.

      Since PlayBASIC default screen settings are 800,600,16,1 the above code will output.

  Current Display Width:800
  Current Display Height:600
  Current Display Depth:16
  Current Display Type:1

Note: Since it's running windowed mode, it might not have a screen depth of 16.

Related Info: GetScreenDepth | GetScreenType | GetScreenWidth | GetSurfaceHeight | GetSurfaceWidth | OpenScreen :

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