Result$ = Digits$(InputValue, Digits)

    InputValue = The Value you wish to format to a zero padded string
    Digits = The number of digits the resulting string should have

    Result$ = the value converted to a padded string

      The Digits$() function is similar to the str$() function, except Digits$ will zero pad the resulting string for us. So we can be sure the resulting string will be a fixed length.


      * This is handy when displaying/formatting numeric values to the screen, such as game scores and life counters.

     * If your value overflows the number of selected Digits to return, those decimal places will be lost.

      * Does not support negative values.

Mini Tutorial:

Display the numbers 1 to 10 zero padded to 4 digits.

; Make a loop to count from 1 to 10
  For lp =1 To 10
   ; Display the loop counter, padding each value to 4 diigts..
     Print Digits$(lp,4)
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.


Related Info: Bin$ | Hex$ | Integer | Str$ | Val :

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