Strings / Conversion
Bin$ Convert integers to a binary string representation.
Hex$ Convert an Integer value to it's hexadecimal string representation.
Lower$ Converts a string of characters to lower case
Str$ Converts a value to a string of numerical characters that represent this value
Upper$ Converts a string of characters to upper case
Val Converts a string of numeric characters to a integer/float values
Strings / Convert Characters
Asc Converts a string to it's ASCII code
Chr$ Converts a ASCII character code to a string
Strings / Search & Replace
Instring Locate the position of words or characters within a string
Replace$ Replace words or characters with another string
Strings / Size
Len Returns the length of a String in characters
Strings / Cut & Trim
CutLeft$ Remove the characters to the left of a cut point
CutRight$ Remove the characters to the right of cut point
Left$ Grab characters from a left side (head) of a string
Mid Grab a ASCII value directly from a string
Mid$ Copy characters from a string
Right$ Grab the Right most (the tail) characters from a string
Trim$ Removes unwanted characters from the head and tail of string
TrimLeft$ Removes unwanted characters from the head of a string
TrimRight$ Removes unwanted characters from the tail of a string
Strings / Formatting
AutoCaps$ Capitalize first characters in string
Digits$ Convert a value to a zero padded string
Flip$ Reverse the characters in a string
Insert$ Insert a string into another
Make$ Make a repeated string
Pad$ Insert characters/words at set interval through out a string

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