What's News in the PlayBasic world ? - Find out here. gets an update !

By: Kevin Picone Added: September 25th, 2022

Category: All,Website,Upgrade

    Some months ago I casually posted a thread on the PlayBasic forums titled "Lets Talk About The PlayBasic WebSite", I was looking to collate as many community ideas / fix shortcoming and faults with the existing site as possible.

    A lot has cool things came up during the discussions (which will appear in future upgrades) but for this revision the focus has been on including the PlayBasic documentation to the website, updating the contact pages, replacing the gallery, photo light boxes, the source code syntax highlighted views and ultimately creating a single compatible template from what was a random cross section of the custom pages.

    The changes might seem subtle to the passing PlayBasic coder, but have gone a long way to improving sites usefulness. When taking this project on; my initial gut reaction was to just uproot everything and replace it all. Which I tried; but soon run into the reality of such an approach, so pivoted to making this upgrade about bring the documentation online and dragging the old code based into a more unified form that could render the site from the template.. Which It now does.

    So for now I hope you like the changes (KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid) and ultimately find them more useful, I know just bringing the documentation online opened a world of new possibilities for the site. But that's for another day, for now let's just enjoy this small milestone before looking too far off into the future. As always if you have any drama's with the site send me a message on here, the forums or your favorite social media platform.



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