Mapping Light / Shadows using Ray Intersection

By: Kevin Picone Added: March 21st, 2015

Category: All

     This demo shows the core logic behind drawing radial lights in top down 2D game. The light source is made up of a group triangle fragments drawn in a circular pattern. So we just step around the edge of the circle and draw triangles from the center to the edges. This gives us an N sided polygon that represents our light in the scene, the more sides the accurate the circle will be mapped.

     To make it act more light natural light, we need something to handle the occlusion/shadows. In PlayBasic we can use the ray intersection support found in the world commands. That means we define the "hard" parts of the world and by hard I mean zones where light is not allowed to go/pas through, by outlining them with lines. So when we draw our light, we run ray intersections along the triangle edges against the hard / occlusion world, if there's a collision we grab the intersection point which will clip our light map triangles for us.

     This demo generates the occlusion world randomly, it's basically a cut'n'paste from the Projects/Worlds/RayIntersectWorld demo.

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