This example shows how the scene and camera controls in PlayBasic can be used to create (the illusion of) an infinite scrolling worlds, that wrap on the X axis. It works by processing all gfx into the common scene buffer first. Then we work out what sections of the world we can see, set the camera & screen view port area and draw that segment. If the segment was thinner than the screen with, we draw the neighboring another segment and so on. While the demo is only set up to handle wrapping on the X axis, the same method will work on the Y axis, plus any combinations thereof. But that's an experiment for the reader
The demo also includes some basic flying objects. Objects are special case, by that i mean, if an object is intersecting a boundary edge of the world space, we need to draw a refection of this objects gfx to the other side of the world. This will ensure the illusion is seamless.