About Help Files

I N D E X:

What's the purpose of the Help files ?

      Like virtually every programming language on the planet, the primarily objective of the Help files is to describe the functionally of the PlayBASIC language and the built in command sets.

      So the help is generally focusing upon what commands do, rather than how we'd use them to make any particular type of game, which is a common misconception. Having said that, many pages do touch on some method / conceptual examples. So it's well worth taking the time to read them carefully, refer back if you need.

      There are of course tutorials (I.e. Variables, Arrays, Types ,Maps ,Sprites etc etc ) which can be also found in the About section of the help) which are designed to take you through various BASIC programming principals and some game programming related concepts. But the majority of your education will no doubt come from experimenting with examples, talking with other programmers on the forums and referring back to the help to see what each command does. All of which are highly recommended !

Where can I find information about How Games Work?

      Since game making is a vast topic, the easiest way to learn the mechanics of making games is by asking others with previous experience. You will find all sorts of game making discussions on our forums. If you're serious about making games, then I highly recommended you sign up and participate! That's quickest way to get live feedback. And the easiest way for us to share 'bonus' information with PlayBASIC enthusiasts.


      Note: We're always on the lookout for tutorial authors. If you feel you have something to offer, please contact (Kevin Picone) at www.PlayBASIC.com

What Revision of the Documentation is this ?

      If you were a user of one the very first PlayBASIC demos, then you've no doubt have noticed the Help and Example files has been vastly improved. Moreover at the time of writing, all officially supported commands should now be documented !

      We consider this edition to be the 28th 'beta' of the documentation.

     Please Be Aware: Documenting every command / feature in PlayBASIC is a massive task. For example, this revision of the help files contains over 1338 pages. Which is the result of many months (years actually) of hard work. Even so, we know it's certainly not perfect !

      Therefore, when you find errors in the documentation (typo's / corrections / broken examples etc) then jump onto the PlayBASIC forums and tell us about it ! - If you don't tell us, we'll never know !

What Version of PlayBASIC is the documentation suitable for ?

      This edition of the documentation was designed for use with PlayBASIC V1.65C2 Released 10th,July,2021.

Examples & Tutorials Links ?



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