Colours / Create Colours
ARGB Create ARGB colour by mixing Alpha, Red, Green & Blue components
RGB Create RGB colour by mixing Red, Green & Blue components
RndRGB Create random RGB colour
Colours / Modify Colours
RgbAlpha50 Performs a 50/50 Alpha blend between two colours
RGBAlphaAdd Perform a Alpha addition between two colours
RGBAlphaAnd Performs a Logical AND between two colours
RGBAlphaBlend Perform an Alpha Blend between two RGB Colours
RGBAlphaMult Performs a Alpha Multiply between two colours
RGBAlphaOr Performs a Logical OR between two colours
RGBAlphaSub Perform a Alpha Subtraction between two colours
RGBAlphaXOR Performs a Logical XOR between two colours
RgbDepthCue Performs Alpha blend between two colours based on depth
RGBFade Fade an RGB colour value
RGBGreyScale Convert RGB Colour to Grey Scale
Colours / Convert Colours
RGB15toRGB24 Convert a 15Bit (555) RGB colour to a 24bit (888) RGB Colour
RGB16toRGB24 Convert a 16Bit RGB colour to a 24bit RGB Colour
RGB24toRGB15 Convert a 24Bit RGB colour to a 15bit (555) RGB Colour
Rgb24toRgb16 Convert a 24Bit RGB colour to a 16bit RGB Colour
Colours / Get Colour Values
RGBA Get the Level of ALPHA from an RGB colour value
RGBB Get the Level of BLUE from a packed RGB value
RGBG Get the Level of GREEN from a packed RGB value
RGBR Get the Level of RED from a packed RGB value

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