Compiler / Dynamic Variable Creation Controls
Explicit Control Explicit Variable Declaration within the compiler
ForceDeclaration Control Explicit Variable Declaration within the compiler
Compiler / Declaration Block
Declaration Start of Variable Declaration Block
EndDeclaration End of Variable Declaration Block
Compiler / Declaration Datatypes
Byte Byte Data Type Keyword
Float Float Data Type Keyword
Integer Integer Data Type Keyword
List Enable Linked List Support
Pointer Pointer Data Type Keyword
String String Data Type Keyword
Word Word Data Type Keyword
Compiler / Allocate Datatypes
New Allocate New Type Object
Compiler / Directives
#Abort Halt Compile and pop a warning message
#ELSE Compile Time Decision Making #IF / #ELSE / #ENDIF Directives
#ENDIF Compile Time Decision Making #IF / #ENDIF Directives
#IF Compile Time Decision Making
#IFDEF Compile Time Decision Making
#IFNDEF Compile Time Decision Making
#INCLUDE Includes external source files + slibs
#Warn Warn the user about an event that's occur during compilation.
Compiler / Optimizer
OptExpressions Manage the Compile Time Expression Optimization Modes
Compiler / Debugger Directives
#Break Insert execution Break Point
#Cls Clear debug console
#Print Output Strings or Values to the debuggers console
#Trace Control the generation of STEP & TRACE debugger codes
Compiler / Resource Binding
#AddResource Add / Include a binary resource into program executable.
FindResourceIndex Find a Resource by name and return it's Index
GetResourcePtr Request the pointer (address) of a bound resource in memory
GetResourceQuantity Find a Resource by name and return it's Index
GetResourceSize Request the size of a bound resource in memory

(c) Copyright 2002 - 2025 - Kevin Picone -