WriteChrAt ChannelIndex, FilePosition, String$, Length

    ChannelIndex = Index of the file channel to read from
    FilePosition = The position within the file to read
    String$ = The string you wish to write to this file
    Length = The number of characters to write
Returns: NONE

      The WriteChrAt command will write a String of characters to any position within an open file channel.


      * Writing none sequential data to a file can be very slow
      * WriteChrAt only works with files opened with WriteFile or OpenFile
      * WriteChrAt is for random access writing.
      * Strings will be written without any termination characters, unless you set the Length parameter to zero. In this case it will save append a zero byte.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example creates a test file using the random access commands, then reads it back again using the random access file commands.

; Create a file name
; Get a Free File Channel Index
; CReate a File for writing data to
  WriteFile File$,MyFile
; Write some Byte data at byte pos 100
  WriteByteAt 1,100,255
; Write some Word data at byte pos 200
  WriteWordAt 1,200,64000
; Write some Integer data at byte pos 300
  WriteIntAt 1,300,111222
; Write some Float data at byte pos 400
  WriteFloatAt 1,400,123.456
; Write some Stringt data at byte pos 500
  WriteStringAt 1,500,"Play Basic"
; Write some String data at byte pos 600
  WriteChrAt 1,600,"Hello World",11
; Close this file channel
  CloseFile MyFile
  Print "============================"
  Print "Reading File Data:"+File$
  Print "============================"
; Get a Free File Channel Index
; Open a file to READ with READFILE
  ReadFile File$,MyFile
; Read and display byte from position 100 in this file
  Print ReadByteAt(myFile,100)
; Read and display the Word from position 200 in this file
  Print ReadWordAt(myFile,200)
; Read and display the Integer from position 300 in this file
  Print ReadIntAt(myFile,300)
; Read and display the Float from position 400 in this file
  Print ReadFloatAt(myFile,400)
; Read and display the String from position 500 in this file
  Print ReadStringAt$(myFile,500)
; Read and display the String from position 600 in this file
  Print ReadChrAt$(myFile,600,11)
; Close this file channel
  CloseFile MyFile
; Display the Size of the FIle
  Print "============================"
  Print "File Size:"+Str$(FileSize(file$))
  Print "============================"
  If FileExist(file$) Then DeleteFile file$
; Display the screen and wait for a key press

This example would output.

  Reading File:C:Windows\temp\Pb_TestFile.txt
  Play Basic
  Hello World
  File Size:611

Related Info: CloseFile | ReadFile | WriteChr | WriteFile :

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