Ink RGB_Colour

    RGB_Colour = The RGB colour you wish to set the current ink to.
Returns: NONE

     Ink changes the internal drawing colour (the Pen) for graphics operations like Text, Dot, Box, Line, Circle, DrawShape etc. The colour is represented in RGB format and will default to White (rgb(255,255,255)).

     You can think of changing the INK colour, much like drawing a picture with a set of coloured pencils, where changing INKs represents changing to a different coloured pencil.


      * While you can change the pens Ink colour all the time, it's generally easier to more efficient to only change Ink colours when you actually need to. Therefore many of the graphics commands have a second version that allow you specify a colour without altering the INK colour. See:. DotC, BoxC, CircleC, TriC (The C stands for Coloured)

      * Use InkMode and InkAlpha to control Alpha Blending levels of the current Ink.

Mini Tutorial:

      Draw some text using different ink colours.

  Print "This Text is in the Default INK colour"
; Set the Ink colour to RED and display a message
  Ink RGB(255,0,0)
  Print "This Test is in RED"
; Set the Ink colour to GREEN and display a message
  Ink RGB(0,255,0)
  Print "This Text is in GREEN"
; Set the Ink colour to BLUE and display a message
  Ink RGB(0,0,255)
  Print "This Text is in BLUE"
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.

  This Text is in the Default Ink colour
  This Test is in RED
  This Text is in GREEN
  This Text is in BLUE

Related Info: Box | Circle | Dot | Ellipse | FastDot | GetInk | GetInkAlpha | GetInkB | GetInkG | GetInkMode | GetInkR | Line | Quad | RGB | Tri :

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