Graphics / Clearing Screen/current Surface
Cls Clear the screen
Graphics / Ink (Pen) Controls
GetInk Gets the current INK colour of drawing operations
GetInkA Gets the ALPHA value from the current INK colour
GetInkAlpha Gets the current InkAlpha level
GetInkB Gets the BLUE value from the current INK colour
GetInkG Gets the GREEN value from the current INK colour
GetInkMode Gets the current INKmode for drawing operations
GetInkR Gets the RED value from the current INK colour
Ink Set the current INK colour for the following drawing operations
InkAlpha Change the INK Alpha Blending Level for when InkMode is set to Alpha Blending
InkMode Change the current INKMODE for drawing operations
Graphics / Query Current Surface
GetSurface Get the current drawing surface
GetSurfaceHeight Get the Height of current drawing surface
GetSurfaceStatus Get the Status of current drawing surface
GetSurfaceType Get the Type of current drawing surface (Video,FX,AFX)
GetSurfaceWidth Get the Width of current drawing surface
Graphics / Copying Pixels
CopyRect Copy a rectangle of Graphics
CopyStripH Copy Horizontal Strip of Graphics
CopyStripV Copy a Vertical Strip of graphics
Graphics / Draw & Reading Pixels
Dot Draw a single Dot/Pixel to the screen or image
DotC Draw a single coloured dot/pixel to the screen or image
FastDot Draw a single Dot/Pixel to the screen (no clipping)
FastDot2 Draw a pair of Dot/Pixel to the screen (no clipping)
FastDot3 Draw a triplet of Dot/Pixels to the screen (no clipping)
FastDot4 Draw a quad of Dot/Pixel to the screen (no clipping)
FastPoint Read the RGB Colour of a Pixel (no Clipping)
Point Read the RGB Colour of a Pixel
Graphics / Drawing Box & Rectangle
Box Draws a open or filled rectangle
BoxC Draws a coloured open or filled rectangle
ShadeBox Draw a shaded rectangle
Graphics / Circle & Elliposes
Circle Draws an open or filled Circle
CircleC Draws a open or filled coloured Circle
Ellipse Draws an open or filled Ellipse
EllipseC Draws an open or filled coloured Ellipse
Graphics / Lines
Line Draw a line between two points
LineC Draw a coloured line between two points
PixelRunLength Find the number of matching pixels in a row
Graphics / Strips
GouraudStripH Draws a Horizontal Gouraud Shaded strip
GouraudStripV Draws a Vertical Gouraud Shaded strip
TextureStripH Draws a Horizontal Texture Mapped Strip
TextureStripV Draws a VerticalTexture Mapped Strip
Graphics / Polygons
GouraudQuad Draws a Gouraud ShadedTriangle
GouraudTri Draws a Gouraud ShadedTriangle
Quad Draws a filled four sided polygon
QuadC Draws a filled four sided polygon
TextureQuad Draws a Texture Mapped Quad (four sided polygon)
TextureTri Draw a Texture Mapped Triangle
Tri Draws a Filled Triangle
TriC Draws a Filled Triangle
Graphics / Buffer/surface Locking Controls
LockBuffer Lock the current graphics buffer for faster drawing
UnLockBuffer Unlock the current graphics buffer for normal use again

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