LoadLevel Filename$, Map_Index, Level_Index

    Filename$ = The file name of the level
    Map_Index = The Map this level should be loaded into
    Level_Index = The index inside the map of this level
Returns: NONE

     LoadLevel reads a previously saved PlayBASIC Level file into a created map. Saved levels don't contain the graphical blocks or animations though, only the raw tile data. So you can load levels into different maps, mix and match the materials as need be.

     Bellow we're provided you with a very basic bare bones map editing example. Enough though it's simple, it's well worth looking over. Hopefully it'll give you some ideas in building your own helper tools to aid in your games development. You can import data from most common place map systems, but of course given the number of the formats that's largely going to be up to you.


      * LoadLevel is part of the Maps library, which includes various map Load/Saving functions with compression. To use these function you'll need to include the maps library at the top of your code. Eg #include "Maps"

Mini Tutorial #1:

      This example imports the Maps loader/saver functions, creates a map, loads a block set from the help files as well as pre-existing (known to exist) level from the help files. So we can get a map set up ready for display pretty quickly if the data already exists.

; Include the maps load/saver functions
  #Include "maps"
; create a map with space for 5 levels
; compute the location of the help files
  Help_Path$ =ProgramDir$()+"Help\Commands\"
; get the filename of the blocks in the help files
; load the blocks into our map
  LoadMapGFX  Blocks$,ThisMap,32,32,RGB(0,0,0),2
; compute the location of a level from the
; LoadLevel example in the help files
  If ThisLevel>-1
     DrawMap THisMap,ThisLevel,0,0
     Print "Error - Couldn't find the level.."
     Print Level_File_Name$

Mini Tutorial #2: Simple Map Editor

      The attached emample is very simple map editing tool. It lets the user select blocks, draw them to the map with basic map loading and saving functionality.

Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
; *=-------------------------------------------------------------------=*
;                      >> Simple Map Editor Example <<
; *=-------------------------------------------------------------------=*
;  This is basic map editor that includes Load and Save functions.
; The editor only supports a single map layer, but you can expand
; on those yourself.
;  Controls:
;           Mouse Left Button: Write Current block to map
;                 Mouse Wheel: Change Current block
;                  Arrow Keys: Scroll View
;                            F1 Key: Load Previously Saved Level
;                            F2 Key: Save current level
; *=-------------------------------------------------------------------=*
  // -----------------------------------------------------
  // --[INCLUDE MAP]-------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------
  #Include "maps"
; Make the APP limit itself to 30 frames per second
; or less
  SetFPS 40
; set the screen title
  TitleScreen "Simple Map Editor"
; --------------------------------------
; CReate a map and level to edit
; --------------------------------------
; Create a new map with provision for 5 levels
; Load common grass blocks from the help files
  Blocks$ =ProgramDir$()+"Help\Commands/Media/"
  LoadMapGFX  Blocks$,ThisMap,32,32,RGB(0,0,0),2
; set the name of the test level we'll
; Either load the existing level or
; create a level with the map that's 50 by 50 blocks
  If FileExist(Level_file_name$)
     ThisLevel=NewLevel(ThisMap, 50,50)
; The current block the user is drawing
  CurrentDrawingBlock     = 13
  // -----------------------------------------------------
  // --[MAIN LOOP]----------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------
     // Render Scene
     Cls 0
     DrawMap THisMap,ThisLevel,-ScrollX,-ScrollY
     // handle all the mouse controls
     Gosub Handle_Mouse
     Gosub Handle_Key_Board
     // Display the map info
     Gosub Display_Map_Info
  Loop EscKey()
  // Render the current block at mouse position
  If MZ<>0
  // Convert Mouse Screen coordinates to Map Tile Coords
  MapTileX  = (ScrollX+MX)/GetMapBlockWidth(ThisMap)
  MapTileY  = (ScrollY+MY)/GetMapBlockHeight(ThisMap)
  // compute the cords of the hower box
  x1=(MapTileX *     GetMapBlockWidth(ThisMap)) - ScrollX
  y1=(MapTileY *     GetMapBlockHeight(ThisMap)) - ScrollY
  // display a hover box, so where the mouse is over
  BoxC x1,y1,x2,y2,false$ff0000
  // display the current block at the mouses position
  DrawMapBlk ThisMap,CurrentDrawingBLock,MX,MY,0
  // check if thne left mouse button is down
  If MB And 1
     // if the button is press, we write the current drawing block
     // to the map at this position
     If MapTileX>=0 And MapTileY>=0
        If MapTileX<= GetLevelWidth(ThisMap,ThisLevel)
           If MapTileY<= GetLevelHeight(ThisMap,ThisLevel)
              PokeLevelTile ThisMap,ThisLevel,MapTileX,MapTileY,CurrentDrawingBlock
  // ------------------------------------------
  // Load Pre existing Level
  // ------------------------------------------
  If FunctionKeys(1)=true
     If FileExist(Level_file_name$)
        LoadLevel Level_file_name$,ThisMap,ThisLevel
  // ------------------------------------------
  // Save Level existing Level
  // ------------------------------------------
  If FunctionKeys(2)=true
     SaveLevel Level_file_name$,ThisMap,ThisLevel
  // ------------------------------------------
  // ARROW KEY scrolling
  // ------------------------------------------
  If ScrollX>0 And LeftKey()
  If ScrollX< GetLevelABSWidth(ThisMap,ThisLevel)
     If RightKey()
  If ScrollY>0 And UpKey()
  If ScrollY< GetLevelABSHeight(ThisMap,ThisLevel)
     If DownKey()
  // -----------------------------------------------
  // render current map information
  // -----------------------------------------------
  s$ =" Editing Map:"+Digits$(ThisMap,2)
  s$+=" Level:"+Digits$(THisLevel,2)
  // Render current position
  s$+=" Position:"+Str$(ScrollX)
  s$+="X, "+Str$(ScrollY)+"Y"
  s$+="  Current Drawing Block:"
  Print s$
  Print " (F1) = Load Level"
  Print " (F2) = Save Level"
Related Info: LoadMapGfx | LoadNewLevel | SaveLevel :

(c) Copyright 2002 - 2025 - Kevin Picone - PlayBASIC.com