Collision = QuadHitMap(ThisMap, TheLevel, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4)

    ThisMap = The Index of the map you query for a collision
    TheLevel = The level within the map to query
    X1 = The X coordinate of Vertex 1
    Y1 = The Y coordinate of Vertex 1
    X2 = The X coordinate of Vertex 2
    Y2 = The Y coordinate of Vertex 2
    X3 = The X coordinate of Vertex 3
    Y3 = The Y coordinate of Vertex 3
    X4 = The X coordinate of Vertex 4
    Y4 = The Y coordinate of Vertex 4

    Collision = The collision state. It'll return True (1) if the polygon hit something and false (0) if it didn't
      The QuadHitMap() function checks if a quad (4 sided polygon) region collides (overlaps) a map level. The collision in this command is based on the regions and not the pixels. Each block in the level has a rectangular region that it covers. So this command compares it's area with the regions of the level. If any overlap, it'll return a true(1) for an impact, it not it'll return a false (0)


      * QuadHitMap compares the the region with the map not at pixel level, but at the rectangular level. Use QuadHitMapPixels for a pixel to pixel level impacts.

      * QuadHitMap only supports convex polygons.

Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
;     -----------------------------------------------
;       ---->> GENERIC POLYGON TO MAP DEMO <<-----
;     -----------------------------------------------
;     -----------------------------------------------
;           --------->> SET UP <<------------
;     -----------------------------------------------
; Size of the  test rectangle
  RectWidth     =50
  RectHeight     =100
; Angle of the rotated polygon
; Arrays used for the DrawQuad routine
  Dim vertx#(4)
  Dim vertY#(4)
; create the random map from some circles
; make a backdrop picture
  RenderToImage Backdrop
  ShadeBox 0,0,800,600,c1,c1,c2,c2
; create a camera to view the scene with
  CameraCls Cam,off
;     ------------------------------------------------
;      --------->> MAIN LOOP OF PROGRAM <<----------
;     ------------------------------------------------
   ; Get the camera current position
   ; Get the mouse position
   ; Check if the Left Mouse is pressed ?
     If LeftMouseButton()
   ; Check if the RIGHT Mouse is pressed ?
     If RightMouseButton()
   ; Check if the MIDDLE Mouse is pressed ?
     If MidMouseButton()
      ; if so, rotate the polygon angle
   ; tell PB to capture the following drawing commands
   ; clear the scene buffer so it's empty
     Select Method
         Case 0
         Case 1
         Case 2
         Case 3
     If Collision
   ; set the capture depth of the next item to a depth of
   ; 100 units
     CaptureDepth 100
     DrawImage BackDrop,CamX,CamY,false
   ; draw the map level
     CaptureDepth 10
     DrawMap map,Level,0,0
   ; draw the scene with this camera
     DrawCamera cam
   ; Check if the Space key was pressed
     If SpaceKey()
      ; if so, change the collision method
   ; check if the ENTER key was pressed
     If EnterKey()
      ; If so, toggle Debug mode on the map
        MapDebug Map,1-GetMapDebug(Map)
   ; check if the users wanted to move the camera
     If LeftKey()  Then     MoveCamera Cam,-2,0
     If RightKey() Then     MoveCamera Cam,2,0
     If UpKey()    Then     MoveCamera Cam,0,-2
     If DownKey()  Then     MoveCamera Cam,0,2
     SetCursor 0,0
     Ink $ffffff
     Print "Press Space To Change Methods"
     Print "Mouse Buttons To Change Size"
     Print "Method:"+Method$
     Print  Message$
;     -------------------------------------------------
;       ------>> Draw Polygon With Collision <<-------
;     -------------------------------------------------
Psub DRawQuad(ThisMap,ThisLevel,X,Y,Width,Height,Angle#,Method)
  For lp=0 To 3
     xpos#=     vertx#(lp)
     ypos#=     verty#(lp)
  Select Method
      Case 0
          Collision=TriangleHitMap(ThisMap,ThisLevel,vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2) )
          Collision+=TriangleHitMap(ThisMap,ThisLevel,vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3) )
      Case 1
          Collision=TriangleHitMapPixels(ThisMap,ThisLevel,vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2) )
          Collision+=TriangleHitMapPixels(ThisMap,ThisLevel,vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3) )
      Case 2
          Collision=QuadHitMap(ThisMap,ThisLevel,vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3) )
      Case 3
          Collision=QuadHitMapPixels(ThisMap,ThisLevel,vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3) )
  If Collision
  Select Method
      Case 0,1
          TriC vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),Col
          TriC vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3),Col
      Case 2,3
          QuadC vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3),Col
  CaptureDepth 5
; draw the outline in lines
  Line vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(1),vertY#(1)
  Line vertx#(1),vertY#(1),vertx#(2),vertY#(2)
  Line vertx#(2),vertY#(2),vertx#(3),vertY#(3)
  Line vertx#(3),vertY#(3),vertx#(0),vertY#(0)
  If Method<2
     Line vertx#(0),vertY#(0),vertx#(2),vertY#(2)
EndPsub Collision
;     -------------------------------------------------
;      --------->> Build Random Map Scene <<---------
;     -------------------------------------------------
Function Build_Random_Map(BlockWidth,BlockHeight)
  RenderToImage screen
  Cls  BackdropColour
  CircleC 800,400,400,true,$8f8f8f
  CircleC 1700,400,400,true,$0f8faf
  For lp=0 To 200
     EllipseC x,y,rx,ry,true, BackdropColour
; Create 1024 FX BLocks for this map
  CreateMapGFX  Map,BlockWidth,BlockHeight,1024,_
  LevelTransparent Map,Level,0
  GetMapBlk Map,Tile,0,0
  For ylp=0 To GetLevelHeight(map,level)-1
     If Ypos+BlockHeight<=GetSurfaceHeight()
        For xlp=0 To GetLevelWidth(map,level)-1
           GetMapBlk Map,Tile,Xpos,ypos
           If GetMapBlockTransparent(Map,Tile)>-1
              PokeLevelTile Map,Level,xlp,ylp,tile
           If Tile=>GetMapBlocks(Map)
              ExitFor ylp
; Turn Debug Map for this map
  MapDebug Map,on
EndFunction Map,Level
Related Info: CircleHitMap | CircleHitMapPixels | EllipseHitMap | EllipseHitMapPixels | GetMapBlockTransparent | PointHitMapPixels | QuadHitMapPixels | RayHitMapPixels | TriangleHitMap | TriangleHitMapPixels :

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