; ----------------------------------------------- ; --------->> SET UP <<------------ ; ----------------------------------------------- SetFPS 100 ; Size of the test rectangle RectWidth =50 RectHeight =100 ; create the random map from some circles Map,Level=Build_Random_Map(32,32) ; make a backdrop picture BackDrop=NewImage(800,600) RenderToImage Backdrop c1=RndRGB() c2=RndRGB() ShadeBox 0,0,800,600,c1,c1,c2,c2 RenderToScreen ; create a camera to view the scene with Cam=NewCamera() CameraCls Cam,off ; ------------------------------------------------ ; --------->> MAIN LOOP OF PROGRAM <<---------- ; ------------------------------------------------ Do ; Get the camera current position CamX=GetCameraX(cam) CamY=GetCameraY(cam) ; Get the mouse position MX=MouseX()+CamX MY=MouseY()+CamY ; Check if the Left Mouse is pressed ? If LeftMouseButton() RectWidth=Mod(RectWidth+1,400) EndIf ; Check if the RIGHT Mouse is pressed ? If RightMouseButton() RectHeight=Mod(RectHeight+1,400) EndIf Method$="RectHitMap" X1=mx Y1=my X2=mx+RectWidth Y2=my+RectHeight If Method=0 ; Test if the Rectangle Hits the Map blocks Collision=RectHitMap(Map,Level,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Else ; Test if the Rectangle Hits the Map at pixel level Collision=RectHitMapPixels(Map,Level,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Method$+="Pixels" EndIf If Collision Colour=$ff0000 Message$="Hit" Else Colour=$0000ff Message$="Missed" EndIf ; tell PB to capture the following drawing commands CaptureToScene ; clear the scene buffer so it's empty ClsScene ; set the capture depth of the next item to a depth of ; 100 units CaptureDepth 100 DrawImage BackDrop,CamX,CamY,false ; draw the map level CaptureDepth 5 DrawMap map,Level,0,0 ; draw the Rectangle at this depth CaptureDepth 20 BoxC X1,Y1,X2,y2,true,colour ; draw the scene with this camera DrawCamera cam ; Check if the Space key was pressed If SpaceKey() ; if so, change the collision method Method=1-Method FlushKeys EndIf ; check if the ENTER key was pressed If EnterKey() ; If so, toggle Debug mode on the map MapDebug Map,1-GetMapDebug(Map) FlushKeys EndIf ; check if the users wanted to move the camera If LeftKey() Then MoveCamera Cam,-2,0 If RightKey() Then MoveCamera Cam,2,0 If UpKey() Then MoveCamera Cam,0,-2 If DownKey() Then MoveCamera Cam,0,2 SetCursor 0,0 Ink $ffffff Print "Press Space To Change Methods" Print "Mouse Buttons To Change Size" Print "Method:"+Method$ Print Message$ Sync Loop ; ------------------------------------------------- ; --------->> Build Random Map Scene <<--------- ; ------------------------------------------------- Function Build_Random_Map(BlockWidth,BlockHeight) BackdropColour=$008f00 screen=NewFXImage(2400,1600) RenderToImage screen Cls BackdropColour CircleC 800,400,400,true,$8f8f8f CircleC 1700,400,400,true,$0f8faf For lp=0 To 200 x=Rnd(2400) y=Rnd(1600) rx=RndRange(50,150) ry=RndRange(10,50) EllipseC x,y,rx,ry,true, BackdropColour Next Map=NewMap(50) ; Create 1024 FX BLocks for this map CreateMapGFX Map,BlockWidth,BlockHeight,1024,_ BackdropColour,2 BlocksX=GetSurfaceWidth()/BlockWidth BlocksY=GetSurfaceHeight()/BlockWidth Level=NewLevel(Map,BlocksX,BlocksY) LevelTransparent Map,Level,0 GetMapBlk Map,Tile,0,0 Tile=1 For ylp=0 To GetLevelHeight(map,level)-1 Ypos=ylp*BlockHeight If Ypos+BlockHeight<=GetSurfaceHeight() For xlp=0 To GetLevelWidth(map,level)-1 Xpos=xlp*BlockWidth GetMapBlk Map,Tile,Xpos,ypos If GetMapBlockTransparent(Map,Tile)>-1 PokeLevelTile Map,Level,xlp,ylp,tile tile++ EndIf If Tile=>GetMapBlocks(Map) ExitFor ylp EndIf Next EndIf Next RenderToScreen ; Turn Debug Map for this map MapDebug Map,on EndFunction Map,Level |