Result = ROR32(ValueToRotate, Bits)

    ValueToRotate=Value that will be rotated
    Bits=Number of bits the value will be rotated

    Result = The value after it's been rotated
     ROR32 is a bitwise operator that rotates a 32 bit value bitwise to the right.

      Bitwise rotate simply rotates the bits in a value. For example, if you have an 8 bit value (byte), its binary representation is %00001111. If you rotate that byte two times to the right, you get %11000011. The two bits that were in the least significant position are now in the most significant position, and all the other bits are shifted over.


      * ROL32, ROL16, ROL8, ROR32, ROR16 and ROR8 may alter sign of the rotated value.

Mini Tutorial:

      Showing the effect of bitwise right rotation function. Try different value, or different numbers of bits to rotate. Replace ROR32 with ROR16 or ROR16

; Value that will be rotated
  Value = 42
; display this value in binary form
  Print Bin$(Value)
; rotate value by 4 bits
  Value = ROR32(Value, 4)
; Display new value in binary form
  Print Bin$(Value)
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.


Related Info: AND | CopyBits | LSL16 | LSL32 | LSL8 | LSR16 | LSR32 | LSR8 | NOT | Operators | OR | ROL16 | ROL32 | ROL8 | ROR16 | ROR8 | XOR :

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