Math / General
Abs Returns the absolute value of an variable or expression
CurveValue Auto-interpolates values based on a given speed
GetSign Retrieves the sign bit of a integer / float values
Mod Returns the remainder of an integer division
Neg Convert a positive value to a negative value
Sgn Return the Sign of a value
WrapValue Wraps values within a range
Math / Add & Subtract
Dec Decrease a Variable by one or more
Inc Increase a Variable by one
Math / Odd & Evens
EVEN Tests if a value is even
ODD Tests if a value is odd
Math / Square Root
Sqrt Return the Square Root of a value
Math / Cos & Sine & Tan
ACos Arc Cosine Function
ASin Arc Sine Function
ATan Arc Tangent Function
ATanFull Returns the arc tangent two variables
Cos Cosine Function
CosH Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle
CosNewValue Returns a cosine value multiplied by radius from a given baseposition
CosRadius Returns the cosine of an angle multiplied by a given radius
Sin Sine Function
SinH Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle
SinNewValue Returns a sine value multiplied by radius from a given base position
SinRadius Returns the sine of an angle multiplied by a given radius
Tan Tangent Function
TanH Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle
Math / Angles
AngleDifference Find the difference between two angles
CurveAngle Auto-interpolates angles based on a given speed
DegreeToRad Converts Degree to Radians
GetAngle2D Returns the angle of two given points
RadToDegree Converts radian to degree
RotateToPoint Find the direction object should be rotated in order to face target
TurnDirection Find the direction angle should rotate to align with a target angle
WrapAngle Returns an angle wrapped within 0-360 degrees
Math / Distance Calculations
GetDistance2D Calculates the distance between two points
GetDistance3D Calculates the distance of two 3D positions
Math / Random Numbers
Randomize Seed the random number generator
Rnd Returns a Random Integer value between zero and the input value
Rnd# Returns a random float between zero and the input value
RndRange Returns a Random integer between the two input values
RndRange# Returns a Random Float between the two input values
Math / Collision & Intersection
CirclesIntersect Check for intersections between two circles
GetIntersectObject Get the Object Index from recent intersection calculation
GetIntersectX# Get the X coordinate of a recent intersection calculation
GetIntersectY# Get the Y coordinate of a recent intersection calculation
GetNormalX# Get the Normal X from a recent intersection calculation
GetNormalY# Get the Normal Y from a recent intersection calculation
LineIntersectCircle Check if line intersects circle
LineIntersectRect Check if line Intersects rectangular region
LinesIntersect Check if two lines Intersect
MouseInBox Check if Mouse Pointer is within a box
PointInBox Detect if a Point is inside a box (rectangle)
PointIntersectCircle Check for point to circle intersection
Math / Range & Clipping
ClipRange Clips an integer value to a given range
ClipRange# Clips a float value to a given range
MaxVal Calc the Max Integer Value Between Two Values
MaxVal# Calc the Max Float Value Between Two Values
MidPoint Returns the centre value of a given range
MinVal Calc the Min Integer Value Between Two Values
MinVal# Calc the Min Float Value Between Two Values
Range Checks if a value is within a given range
Math / Rounding
Ceil Truncate Floating Point values
Floor Truncate Floating Point values
RoundDown Rounds a float value towards zero
RoundUp Rounds a float value to the next whole number
Math / Boolean & Bit Wise Operators
And Logical And Operator
Not Not operation on the least significant bit
NotInt Logical Not operation on an integer value
Or Logical (bitwise) Or
Xor Logical Exclusive Or
Math / Log
Exp Calculate exponential
Log Return the natural logarithm of a positive value
Log10 Return the natural logarithm of a positive value
Math / Bit Manipulation Functions
ClearBit Clears a specified bit within an integer value
CopyBits Copies a given number of bit to a given position
Move16 Merges the lower word of a value
Move8 Merges the low byte of a value
ReadBits Reads a specified range of bits
SetBit Sets a specified bit of a value
SwapBit Swaps a specified bit of a value
TestBit Checks a specified bit of a value
Math / Bit Shifting Functions
LSL16 Logical left shift for 16 bit values
LSL32 Logical left shift for 32 bit values
LSL8 Logical left shift for 8 bit values
LSR16 Logical right shift for 16 bit values
LSR32 Logical right shift for 32 bit values
LSR8 Logical Shift Right for 8 bit values
Math / Bit Rolling Functions
ROL16 Rotates 16 bit values bitwise to the left
ROL32 Rotates 32 bit values bitwise to the left
ROL8 Rotates 8 bit values bitwise to the left
ROR16 Rotates 16 bit values bitwise to the right
ROR32 Rotates 32 bit values bitwise to the right
ROR8 Rotates 8 bit values bitwise to the right
Math / Byte Order Conversions
SwapByteOrder Swaps the byte order of a value
SwapLowBytes Swaps the two least significant bytes
SwapWordOrder Swaps the word order of a value
Math / Expression Processing
FastCalc A special command that can perform, fast, batches of simple math calculations

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