Music / Creation & Loading
GetFreeMusic Locate an Music that is free to be used
LoadMusic Load a Music file ready to play
LoadNewMusic Load a New Music file ready to play
Music / Delete
DeleteAllMusics Delete all Music's from memory
DeleteMusic Delete a Music from memory
Music / Play Back Controls
GetMusicPlaying Get the current play back Status of a Music Channel
LoopMusic Loop a Music channel
PauseMusic Pause a Music channel
PlayMusic Play a Music channel
ResumeMusic Resume a Paused Music channel
StopMusic Stop a Music channel
Music / Volume
GetMusicVolume Get the playback volume of a Music channel
MusicVolume Set the Volume of a Music channel
Music / Frequency
GetMusicFreq Get the playback frequency of a Music channel
MusicFreq Set the playback frequency of a Music channel
Music / Left & Right Panning
GetMusicPan Get the playback Panning of a Music channel
MusicPan Set the Left/Right Panning of a Music channel
Music / Status
GetMusicStatus Get the Status of Music Channel
Music / Quantity
GetMusicQuantity Get the Max Number of Music's Available

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