Worlds / Create & Delete
CreateWorld Creates a static World
DeleteWorld Delete a World
GetFreeWorld Get a Free World Buffer Index
NewWorld Dynamically create a new static world
Worlds / Initialization
CaptureToWorld Make PlayBASIC capture the following Graphics commands to a World
PartitionWorld Partition this world space up for faster collision & intersections
Worlds / Camera & Scene
CameraGrabWorld Transfer a cameras view of a world to the scene buffer
CameraGrabWorldAt Translates a cameras view of a world to the scene buffer
Worlds / Collision & Intersection
GetWorldClosestPoint Get the closest world impact point within a zone
GetWorldElements Read the current number of elements in a world
GetWorldElementVisible Read the current visibility state of a captured world element
QueryWorldRegion Get a list of the items that are within a region of this world
RayIntersectWorld Check a Ray Intersects a World
WorldElementVisible Change the visibility of a captured world element
Worlds / Information
GetWorldQuantity Get the Max Number of Worlds Available
GetWorldStatus Get the state of a World

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