Status = RayIntersectWorld(WorldIndex, RayX1#, RayY1#, RayX2#, RayY2#)

    WorldIndex = The index of the world you wish to partition
    RayX1# = The starting X coordinate of ray
    RayY1# = The starting Y coordinate of ray
    RayX2# = The ending X coordinate of ray
    RayY2# = The ending Y coordinate of ray

    Status = Returns 1 when ray hits a line, or 0 when it doesn't

      The RayIntersectWorld function checks if a ray intersects a world. The function will return a True(1) if an impact occurs, or False(0).


      * The ray only checks for intersections with visible lines within the world

      * If an intersection occurs, you can get the intersection point by using the GetIntersectX#(), GetIntersectY#()

      * If an intersection occurs, you can get the normal at the point of intersection using the GetNormalX# and GetNormalY# functions

      * If an intersection occurs, you can get World Element index using the GetIntersectObject command

      * RayIntersectWorld returns the closest impact point to the rays starting position.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example builds a simple world, partitions it, then runs a series of ray intersections upon the world.

; Get the Screen size and use it as the world size
; create a Camera
; Create world
  CaptureToWorld MyWorld
; draw a series of boarder line for this world
  Line 0,0,worldwidth,0
  Line worldwidth,0,worldwidth,worldheight
  Line worldwidth,worldheight,0,worldheight
  Line 0,worldheight,0,0
; draw a series of polygon shaped obejct into the world
  For lp=1 To 10
  Next lp
; Partition The world up into 32 by 32 cells
  PartitionWorld MyWorld,32
; Tell PB to return to Immediate drawing mode
; statrt of DO/Loop
   ; capture to scene and grab the world info
     CaptureDepth 100
     CameraGrabWorld MyCamera,MyWorld
   ; Get the mouse position
   ; Cast 150 rays out from the mouses position
     For Ray=1 To Rays
        If RayIntersectWorld(MyWorld,mx#,my#,x2#,y2#)=true
           CircleC x2#,y2#,3,1,RGB(255,0,0)
        Line mx#,my#,x2#,y2#
   ; draw the camera
     DrawCamera MyCamera
   ; show the fps rate and continue this loop
     Text 0,0,FPS()
; This function creates a convex polygon shape
Function Make_Convex(edges,xpos#,ypos#,Size,angle)
  For lp=0 To edges-1
     If lp<(edges-1)
     Line x2#,y2#,x1#,y1#
  Next lp
EndFunction i

Related Info: CreateWorld | GetSpriteCollisionMode | GetWorldElements | GetWorldElementVisible | LineHitShape | LinesIntersect | NewWorld | PartitionWorld | QueryWorldRegion :

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