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 IDE V0.32 Round Up

By: Kevin Picone Added: October 9th, 2011

Category: All,IDE,Video

     PlayBasic IDE V0.32b

     This revision introduced Live User Function Parsing functionality to editing environment. Live parse feature monitors each source for user function & psub declarations, keeping track of function keywords while you edit. The Live parsing is interleaved through the IDE, so it's sharing resources where possible. Changes to the function names won't be shown immediately though, they'll generally get refreshed every 1/4 -> 1/2 of a second. The delay between refreshes will get longer the larger a source fragment is. It's set up to handle sources of 5000 lines long in around a parsing time of 1 second delay. Which seems fine to me. The parsing is also project wide in this version as well as supporting linkdll blocks.

     Auto Parameter Help On User Defined Functions

     So the live parsing means that user defined functions can be highlighted, so you can see instantly what's a built in function and what's user defined. As much of help that is, the obvious next step is to expand parameter assistance on user defined functions. Which can now be found in this edition. Which means that when you enter the parameter section of the user defined function, it'll give you the parameter hints live from the source while you edit it.

     PlayBasic IDE V0.32f - Field Assistance

     So today we're looking at the IDE's latest auto completion feature, that being to assist the user with User defined type fields. What this means is the IDE can now prompt you of the available fields within a User defined type upon hitting the "." character. This version is pretty limited though, as here I'm just trying to pull all the threads together in order to get the frame work up and running, even if it's only localized. You see, in this version parser can only see types/declarations on the same source file and it can't resolve the scope.

     One tricky thing about this is making sure the IDE doesn't allow the user to write code that doesn't make sense, so currently the IDE uses the same rules as the compiler, that being the your TYPE must be declared, before you create a variable from it, a variable is dimensioned before it's used.



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