WriteMemory ChannelIndex, StartAddress, EndAddress

    ChannelIndex = Index of the file channel where the memory will be written to
    StartAddress = The starting address of the memory block
    EndAddress = The Ending address of the memory block
Returns: NONE

      WriteMemory allows you to write a block of bytes from memory directly to an open file channel.


      * WriteMemory assume the memory that data is being written from, has been previously allocated by the user. Failing to do so will no doubt cause the command to crash.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example first dumps a block of memory to disc, then reloads it and compares the result.

; create the FileName for our Temp data file
; -------------------------------------------
; Create a Bank to store some values in
; -------------------------------------------
  CreateBank 1,size
  For lp=0 To Size-1
     PokeBankByte 1,Lp,lp And 255
; ----------------------------------------
;  Write this memory to the temp file
; ----------------------------------------
  WriteFile File$,1
; Write the Memory Block Size to the file (so we
; can read it back later
  WriteInt 1,GetBankSize(1)
; Get the Start Address of the bank in memory
; Get the End addres of this bank in memory
; Dump this section of memory directly to
; the opened file
  WriteMemory 1,StartAddress,EndAddress
; Dump a string at the end
  WriteString 1,"End of File"
  CloseFile 1
; ----------------------------------------
; Load the Created File In Bank #2
; ----------------------------------------
  OpenFile File$,1
; create the Bank #2 of the required size
  CreateBank 2,Size
; Read these bytes directly into memory
  ReadMemory 1,GetBankPtr(2),size
; Dump a string at the end, just so were sure
; it loading the memory correctly
  Print s$
  CloseFile  1
; Compare banks 1 and 2
  For lp=0 To GetBankSize(1)-1
     If PeekBankByte(1,lp)<>     PeekBankByte(1,lp)
        Print "bytes at offset don't match:"+Str$(lp)
  If MatchingFlag=true
     Print "banks Match"
     Print "banks Don't Match"
; Display the screena and wait for a key press

This example would output.

  Banks Match

Related Info: GetBankPtr | OpenFile | Pointer | ReadByte | ReadByteAt | ReadChr$ | ReadChrAt$ | ReadDir | ReadFile | ReadFloat | ReadFloatAt | ReadInt | ReadIntAt | ReadMemory | ReadString$ | ReadStringAt$ | ReadValue | WriteByte | WriteByteAt | WriteChr | WriteChrAt | WriteFile | WriteFloat | WriteFloatAt | WriteInt | WriteIntAt | WriteString | WriteStringAt | WriteWord | WriteWordAt :

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