Cls [RgbColour =0]

    [RgbColour =0] = The optional colour (in RGB format) you wish to the clear the screen to.
Returns: NONE

     Cls will clear the current display surface (screen or image) to a colour of your choice.


     * If the surface has a custom viewport (see ScreenViewPort or ImageViewport) the CLS command will only clear the region inside the viewport, nothing outside of it will be cleared.

     * Cls can't be captured.

Mini Tutorial:

     Clear the screen to RED using the RGB function to create the colour.

  Cls RGB(255,0,0)
  Print "The Screen was cleared to RED"
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

Related Info: Box | BoxC | CopyRect | DrawImage | Quad | ShadeBox | TextureQuad :

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