Xpos = The X coordinate of the dot Ypos = The Y coordinate of the dot RgbColour1 = The Rgb Colour of first dot RgbColour2 = The Rgb Colour of second dot RgbColour3 = The Rgb Colour of third dot RgbColour4 = The Rgb Colour of fourth dot
Returns: NONE
FastDot4 draws a pair of pixels to the current surface starting at the users selected coordinate, with the second,third and fourth pixels to the right of the first. Making it a shortcut situations that require brute force pixel rendering.
; Draws a quad of pixels FastDot4 Xpos,Ypos, ThisColour1,ThisColour2,ThisColour3,ThisColour4
;Is the same as this code FastDot Xpos ,Ypos, ThisColour1 FastDot Xpos+1,Ypos, ThisColour2 FastDot Xpos+2,Ypos, ThisColour3 FastDot Xpos+3,Ypos, ThisColour4
* FastDot4 has all the same limitations as the FastDot
// Fill Strip of pixels manually in pairs For xlp=0To ((Width/3)*3)-1Step3 FastDot3 xlp,ylp,ThisColour,ThisColour,ThisColour Next
// Fill Left Overs on this row For xlp= xlp To Width FastDot xlp,ylp,ThisColour Next
ThisColour=ThisColour + Width
Function Fill_Screen_FastDot4(ThisColour)
LockBuffer ThisRgb=Point(0,0)
For ylp=0ToGetScreenHeight()-1
// Fill Strip of pixels manually in quads For xlp=0To Width Step4 FastDot4 xlp,ylp,ThisColour,ThisColour,ThisColour,ThisColour Next ThisColour=ThisColour + Width