Image / Tutorials
Images Tutorials - Getting the best performance
Sprites Sprite Tutorial - Understanding Sprites
Maps Maps Tutorial
CameraBasics Camera Tutorial - An overview of how cameras work
Images / Creation
CopyImage Copy one image to another
CreateFxImage Create a blank FX image in system memory
CreateFxImageEx Create a blank FX image in system memory
CreateImage Create a blank image in memory
DeleteAllImages Delete all images from memory
DeleteImage Delete image from memory
DeleteImageRange Delete a range of images from memory
GetFreeImage Locate an Image that is free to be used
GetImage Create an image by grabbing a part of another image or the screen.
GetImageStatus Check if Image Exists
GetImageType Get the type image buffer of an image (Video,FX,AFX)
NewFxImage Create a new blank FX image in memory
NewImage Create a new blank Image in memory
PrepareAFXimage Converts an image to an effect format that support Alpha Channel.
PrepareFXimage Converts an image to a special format for effects rendering
Images / Collision
GetImageShape Get what Shape is currently assigned to this image
ImageShape Assign a (Vector) Shape to an image for collision
Images / Drawing
DrawAlphaImage Draw an Alpha Blended Image
DrawImage Draw Image
DrawRotatedImage Draw a Rotated Image
GridImage Draw an image in a grid pattern to the current display
RenderToImage Direct all drawing operations to an image
TileImage Draw an image tiled across the current display
Images / Information
GetImageDepth Get the Bit Depth (pixel format) of an Image
GetImageFileName$ Return the FileName$ and path of an Image loaded with LoadImage command
GetImageHeight Get the Height in pixels of an image
GetImagePitch Get the Pitch of an Image
GetImagePtr Get the Address (pointer) of the first pixel in an Image
GetImageWidth Get the width in pixels of an image
Images / Load/save
LoadAFxImage Load FX formatted image with Alpha Channel into memory
LoadFxImage Load FX formatted image from disc into memory
LoadImage Load image from disc into memory
LoadNewAFxImage Load FX formatted image with Alpha Channel into memory
LoadNewFXImage Load an image from disc into memory
LoadNewImage Load an Image from disc into memory
SaveBitmap Save the Screen or Image as a 32bit Bitmap file
Images / Masking
GetImageMaskColour Read the current transparent colour of an image
ImageMaskColour Set the ImagesTransparent Colour
RGBmaskImage Perform a bitwise AND on the Image
Images / Modify
BlurImage Blur the pixels in an image.
FadeImage Change the brightness of the pixels in an image
GrayScaleImage Convert a colour image to gray scale (black and white)
LightImage Burn a light source into image
MirrorImage Mirror the pixels in an image
PrepareAFXimage Converts an image to an effect format that support Alpha Channel.
PrepareFXimage Converts an image to a special format for effects rendering
RenderPhongImage Render a phong light pattern to an image
ScrollImage Move / Scroll the pixels within an image
Images / Quantity
GetImageQuantity Get the current Max Number of Images Available
ImageQuantity Expand/Shrink the Max Number of Images Available
Images / Rotation
DrawRotatedImage Draw a Rotated Image
Images / Scaling
ScaleImage Resize an image with optional filtering
Images / Viewport
GetImageViewPortX1 Get the top left X coordinate of images clipping area
GetImageViewPortX2 Get the bottom right X coordinate of images clipping area
GetImageViewPortY1 Get the bottom right Y coordinate of images clipping area
GetImageViewPortY2 Get the bottom right Y coordinate of images clipping area
ImageViewPort Set the clipping boundaries of an image
RestoreImageViewPort Restore an images default viewport settings

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