Collision = SpriteHitMapPixels(ThisMap, TheLevel, SpriteIndex, LocalSpriteXpos, LocalSpriteYpos)

    ThisMap = The Index of the map you query for a collision
    TheLevel = The level within the map to query
    SpriteIndex = The Index of the sprite you wish to compare
    LocalSpriteXpos = The local X coordinate of the sprite relative to the level
    LocalSpriteYpos = The local Y coordinate of the sprite relative to the level

    Collision = The collision state. It'll return True (1) with the circle hit something and false (0) it didn't

     The SpriteHitMapPixels() function checks if a sprite pixels have collided (overlaps) a map level pixels. unlike it's sister command (SpriteHitMap) SpriteHitMapPixels doesn't use the sprites collision mode setting when working out the type of impact to calculate, rather this method always uses pixel perfect comparison.

     SpriteHitMapPixels() will return a true(1) for an impact, it not it'll return a false (0)


      * If you want the to use the sprites collision mode, then use SpriteHitMap


      The following example is fairly complex and shared between SpriteHitMap and SpriteHitMapPixels examples in the help.

Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
; This example demo's SpriteHitMap and SpriteHitMapPixels
; functions together, as such, it can be one of the more
; complex examples to follow, since it's trying to show everything
; in one program.
; ====
;          SPACE = Toggle Collision Methods
;          ENTER = Toggle Map Debug mode
;              M = Step through sprite collsiion modes
; -----
;     Left Button = Scale
;     Middle Button = Rotate
;     -----------------------------------------------------
;             --------->> SET UP <<------------
;     -----------------------------------------------------
  SetFPS 75
; Load a bigger font
  LoadFont "Verdana",1,32
; create the random map from some circles
; Load the ship image for our sprite
; Loads the defiend vector shape that represents this image
; and attaches it to the ShipIMage
  #Include "shape"
  ShiftShape ShipShape,-2,0
  ImageShape ShipIMage,ShipShape
; Create the sprite
  PositionSpriteZ Sprite,10
; Set up sprites display for this demo
  SpriteDrawMode Sprite,2+16
  SpriteCollisionDebug Sprite,on
  SpriteFilter Sprite,on
  SpriteMaskColourCompression Sprite,off
  AutoCenterSpriteHandle sprite,true
; set sprites collision mode
  SpriteCollisionMode Sprite,1          ; rotated rect is the collision default
  SpriteCollisionRadius Sprite,30
; Set Sprites Scale and rotation angle
; make a backdrop picture
  RenderToImage Backdrop
; create a camera to view the scene with (attached to backdrop image)
  CameraCls Cam,off
; Randomly pick some Backdrop colours
;     -----------------------------------------------------
;        --------->> MAIN LOOP OF PROGRAM <<------------
;     -----------------------------------------------------
   ; Get the camera current position
   ; Get the mouse position in World space
   ; tell PB to capture the following drawing commands
   ; clear the scene buffer so it's empty
   ; set the capture depth to 100 and then
   ; capture a shadebox at the camera position
     CaptureDepth 100
     ShadeBox CamX,CamY,CamX+800,CamY+600,c1,c1,c2,c2
   ; draw the map level as depth 50
     CaptureDepth 50
     DrawMap map,Level,0,0
   ; Check if sprite hits the map
     If MidMouseButton()
     If LeftMouseButton()
        If Scale#>3 Then Scale#=0.5
     RotateSprite sprite,angle#
     ScaleSprite sprite,scale#
     PositionSprite Sprite,MX,my
   ; ------------------------------------------
   ; Check for the impacts with the map
   ; ------------------------------------------
     If CollisionMethod=0
     If Collision
     SpriteTint Sprite,Col
     DrawSprite Sprite
     If Collision
   ; Draw the scene with this camera
     DrawCamera cam
     DrawImage backdrop,0,0,false
   ; check if the ENTER key was pressed
     If EnterKey()
      ; If so, toggle Debug mode on the map
        MapDebug Map,1-GetMapDebug(Map)
   ; check if the SPACE key was pressed
     If SpaceKey()
   ; check if M or P keys are pressed
     If CollisionMethod=0
        Select ScanCode()
              ; If M is pressed, step to the next collision mode
            Case  50
                SpriteCollisionMode Sprite,Mod(GetSpriteCollisionMode(Sprite)+1,6)
              ; if P ios press toggle Pixel Mode collisions on or off
            Case  25
   ; check if the users wanted to move the camera
     If LeftKey()  Then     MoveCamera Cam,-2,0
     If RightKey() Then     MoveCamera Cam,2,0
     If UpKey()    Then     MoveCamera Cam,0,-2
     If DownKey()  Then     MoveCamera Cam,0,2
     SetCursor 0,0
     Ink $ffffff
     Ink -1
     If CollisionMethod=0
        Print "Method:SpriteitMap"
        Print "Sprite Collision Mode:"+GetSpriteCOllisionModeName(Sprite)
        Print "Pixel Mode:"+Str$(pixelMode)
        Print "Method:SpriteitMapPixels"
     Ink colour
     Print "Collision:"+Message$
Function GetSpriteCOllisionModeName(ThisSprite)
  If GetSpriteStatus(ThisSPrite)
     Select GetSpriteCollisionMode(ThisSprite)
         Case 0
             Name$="Static Rect (Vector)"
         Case 1
             Name$="Rotated Rect (Vector)"
         Case 2
             Name$="Circle (Vector)"
         Case 3
             Name$="Shape (Vector)"
         Case 4
             Name$="Sliding Mode (World Sliding)"
         Case 5
             Name$="Sticky Mode (World Sliding)"
         Case 6
             Name$="Pixel Perfect"
EndFunction Name$
;     -----------------------------------------------------
;     ------------->> Build Random Map Scene <<------------
;     -----------------------------------------------------
Function Build_Random_Map(BlockWidth,BlockHeight)
  RenderToImage screen
  Cls  BackdropColour
  CircleC 800,400,400,true,$8f8f8f
  CircleC 1700,400,400,true,$0f8faf
  For lp=0 To 150
     EllipseC x,y,rx,ry,true, BackdropColour
; Create 1024 FX BLocks for this map
  CreateMapGFX  Map,BlockWidth,BlockHeight,1024,BackdropColour,2
  LevelTransparent Map,Level,0
  GetMapBlk Map,Tile,0,0
  For ylp=0 To GetLevelHeight(map,level)-1
     If Ypos+BlockHeight<=GetSurfaceHeight()
        For xlp=0 To GetLevelWidth(map,level)-1
           GetMapBlk Map,Tile,Xpos,ypos
           If GetMapBlockTransparent(Map,Tile)>-1
              PokeLevelTile Map,Level,xlp,ylp,tile
           If Tile=>GetMapBlocks(Map) Then ExitFor ylp
  MapDebug Map,true
EndFunction Map,Level
Related Info: CircleHitMap | CircleHitMapPixels | CircleOccludeMap | EllipseHitMap | Maps | PointHitMapPixels | QuadHitMap | QuadHitMapPixels | QuadOccludeMap | RectOccludeMap | ShapeHitMap | ShapeHitMapPixels | SpriteHit | SpriteHitMap | Sprites | SpritesOverlap | TriangleHitMap | TriangleHitMapPixels | TriangleOccludeMap :

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